

Cherish Albrecht

  • AGE 27
  • RACE Caucasian
  • PRONOUNS She/her
  • ALIGNMENT True Neutral
  • OCCUPATION Nun (or so she says)/Medic (More like an apothecary, but y'know)
  • ORIENTATION Demiromantic demisexual
  • WORTH Priceless
  • VERSE Yeehaw
  • VOICE Kate Pillsbury
  • THEME Providence - Poor Man's Poison


  • NOTE: I HIGHLY suggest that you read the long version of this! It is much more detailed, and gives a much better picture of this gal!
  • A self-proclaimed nun who resides in the abandoned Giant's Chapel.
  • She is a very mysterious young woman, to say the least. No one really knows of her past and what brought her away from her initial home in Oregon to the expansive lands of California. Nevertheless, her presence is both reassuring and intimidating.
  • She earned the title "The Wandering Cross" due to the emblem on her dress, alongside her mannerisms. While she mainly takes up residence in the church, she is no stranger to wandering the lands, seeking out people who may want to trade for her goods. She's made up quite a good trading business, and is able to get many of the necessities that she can't home-grow.
  • (Bit of a WIP, hope that's alright! The information that I'll have written here is likely not subject to change, but I may add on at some point!)


  • Positive Traits: Responsible, Brave, Nurturing
  • Neutral Traits: Logical, Stoic, Stalwart
  • Negative Traits: Reclusive, Strict, Callous


  • Just read the long version
  • It's not that bad
  • Aaaaaa


  • Coffee
  • Nature (And especially being out in it)
  • Her church
  • Taking care of herself
  • Leading a peaceful life


  • People getting into trouble
  • Going into town (Usually)
  • Asking for help
  • Having her peaceful life disrupted
  • Crowds


  • Reading
  • Hunting
  • Cooking
  • Sewing
  • Musical talents


  • Smoking
  • Swearing
  • Playing with her hair
  • habit
  • habit


  • Self-sufficient
  • Pragmatic
  • Nurturing
  • Responsible
  • Bravery


  • Reclusive
  • Stubborn
  • Stoic
  • Serious
  • Callous


  • Sharpshooter (Good shot)
  • Keen sense of smell
  • Good at riding horseback
  • Survival skills
  • Medical knowledge


  • She LOVES bear meat, like a TON. It's easily her favorite food out there. She especially loves drying it and eating it as jerky, though eating it freshly cooked is just as delightful. A close second favorite for her is deer meat.
  • Surprisingly, she's a pretty good teacher! She is very calm and patient when it comes to teaching others something new, and many people are quite surprised by this. Despite this, however, she could never bring herself to teach children. She quite dislikes them, in fact, especially if they're hyper and chaotic. More mellow children are definitely more tolerable for her.
  • She cares deeply for animals. She really loves their presence around her, and she is pretty soothed by their company. Her favorite animal out there is easily her horse Licorice, and she loves him with her whole heart. She also quite loves cats. A lot of stray cats like to wander into her church, and she'll often feed and take care of them when they show up.
  • She has a surprising amount of rather mature mannerisms, the kinds more akin to an elderly person than one of her age. She doesn't really know why she has them, but she's not upset by it.
  • Her skirt is ripped at the bottom on purpose. She ripped it herself. It's more comfortable that way, and she also finds her mobility to be greatly improved in it.
  • While she is very used to leading a solitary life, she does sometimes find herself wishing for company aside from the animals around her. She doesn't really want many people around, as she thinks it would just leave her uncomfortable. However, she likes the idea of just having one or two other people that she can share her home with.
  • She really tries her best to make do with what she has around her. She avoids going into town at all costs, if she can help it, and would much rather forage, gather, grow, and make her own supplies instead of purchasing them. Despite having this very self-sufficient attitude, however, she doesn't have any qualms with others who frequent town.
  • When she's particularly angry, she's found that a great way of releasing her tensions is by chopping wood. She can handle an ax pretty dang well, and collecting the wood from it for firewood can be very helpful.
  • She is a very big fan of coffee. Mainly black coffee suits her, as she doesn't like many fix-ins. Despite that, the bitter beverage is definitely a go-to favorite of hers.
  • She doesn't really have that big of a sweet tooth. In fact, she's not a huge fan of sweets at all. This is mainly due to the fact that she's simply not used to sweet tastes. The sweetest thing that she's ever eaten is fruit, and that's about all the sweetness she can handle. Anything more sugary than that and she doesn't really like it.
  • She really doesn't value money all that highly. She tends to not use it for much, and doesn't really like getting it in return because of that. She'd much rather receive goods like eggs, dairy products, and cloth in trades versus being monetarily paid. She has a hard time coming across such items in her life, and thus values them much more highly.
  • While she claims herself to be a nun, her religious beliefs are very... Confusing. She seems to believe in God, and can often be found praying in the church. However, aside from that, not many of her beliefs are well-known.
  • She is very wary of anyone seeing her body, particularly her back. This is due to the variety of scars she has there. Her back is almost entirely covered in scars, in fact. They appear to be from flagellation, but she'll never specifically say where she got them from.
  • She can actually get very panicky when around crowds of people or when she's in tight spaces. She seems to have a past where such elements hold a VERY negative connotation. However, she isn't one to specifically admit this.








  • ALIASES Cher, Cheri, The Wandering Cross
  • AGE 27
  • BIRTHDAY April 17th, 1825
  • PRONOUNS She/her
  • RACE Caucasian(?)
  • HEIGHT 5'3" (Stands at closer to 5'4"-5'5" in her shoes)
  • WEIGHT 119 pounds
  • ALIGNMENT True Neutral
  • FLOWER Elderberry
  • ORIENTATION Demiromantic demisexual
  • BIRTHPLACE Richstand, Oregon
  • RESIDENCE Giant's Chapel, California
  • OCCUPATION Nun (or so she says)/Medic (More like an apothecary, but y'know)
  • EYE SHAPE Upturned; somewhere between round and almond
  • BODY TYPE Very slight hourglass; slightly more on the muscular side
  • STATUS Alive
  • DESIGNER Also me
  • WORTH Priceless
  • VERSE Yeehaw
  • VOICE Kate Pillsbury
  • THEME Providence - Poor Man's Poison


A self-proclaimed nun who resides in the abandoned Giant's Chapel.

She is a very mysterious young woman, to say the least. No one really knows of her past and what brought her away from her initial home in Oregon to the expansive lands of California. Nevertheless, her presence is both reassuring and intimidating.

(Bit of a WIP, hope that's alright! The information that I'll have written here is likely not subject to change, but I may add on at some point!)



Cherish is a very composed, logical, and mature woman. She can handle many responsibilities with ease and poise, and is no stranger to multitasking. She is the confident type, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She doesn't really care about her reputation with others, and she doesn't mind what others think about her. However, she still tries her best to keep a filter on. She typically knows when to hold her tongue, and absolutely hates being seen as a braggart. She always puts plenty of thought into what she does in her life, and will weigh out the pros and cons of every scenario carefully before making action. She's very smart, and can almost always be turned to when one needs a plan. She HIGHLY dislikes it when people get in trouble around her, and she often feels an obligation to put an end to any conflicts. While she is on the quiet or cold side, she is far from without care or empathy. In fact, she's actually very gentle and caring underneath. She is a large caretaking figure to those who break through her chilly exterior. She has a nurturing yet firm demeanor, and is quite a motherly figure. She tries to keep all those that she cares for as safe as possible, and isn't afraid to lodge a bullet between someone's eyes if they dare lay a hand on anyone close to her.


Despite this, however, Cherish still has her flaws. Her surprisingly warm interior is DEEPLY buried under layers and layers of callous and frigid behavior. She typically HATES letting people in close to her, and it can take a lot to get her better interest and trust. She is a very reclusive woman, and she absolutely hates being around more than a small handful of people. Even once one breaks past her icy exterior, she still has her resignations. She is a very stoic woman, and she absolutely hates to show off her emotions to just about everyone around her. It's very rare to see even a tiny bit of emotion on her face. If she shows you anything more than that then she may as well trust you with her life. This constant hiding and burying of her emotions can leave her very stressed, burnt out, and tired. She is stalwart, but to an overbearingly stubborn level. She often won't take no for an answer, and will try her own way until she's proven to herself that it won't work. This can, naturally take a while. She's very set in her ways, after all. Furthermore, she is a very serious and strict person. Due to this very disciplined nature, she has a very hard time having lighthearted fun. She doesn't understand humor very well, and it will take a lot of explaining for her to truly understand a joke. Nevertheless, she tries her best despite her flaws.



No one really knows all that much about Cherish Albrecht. There's plenty of speculation about her past, and exactly how she ended up where she is now. Some speculate that she has a lot to hide. In fact, there's a long list of theories that her name isn't her REAL name. After all, she bears a striking resemblance to a young nun by a different name: Lenora Edwardson.

As the story goes, Lenora started out life in Oregon as well. She was born into a cruel life in a dangerous underground mine. The work killed her parents soon after her birth, and she was lucky to have survived for as long as she did. As soon as she was old enough to handle a pick axe, she was put through slave-like labor in the mine. She was constantly overworked and under-treated, often going without food, water, or sleep for long periods of time. She often grew exhausted from the experience, and was frequently subjected to punishment because of it. She was forced to watch many others, children and adults alike, die in those mines. Eventually, however, the survivors started to revolt. They were done with the poor treatment and the deaths. They put together an escape plot and ran for their lives, Lenora included. She made it the furthest out of all of them, and was able to go into hiding in the wilderness. She began surviving to the best of her ability there, though the elements began to seriously beat her down. When she was on her last legs, she was found by a kindly pastor who was planning on camping there. He was quick to take her in and treat her to a pleasant life. He called her his "cherished one." He educated her carefully, in a sense of schooling, religion, and skills. He taught her how to hunt, forage, and overall survive. He raised into a smart, lovely young woman with a great religious devotion. She became a nun in his church and was always happy to help him, often riding into town on her horse to gather supplies for him when she wasn't busy with her own work. She may not have been in the highest favor with the town, but she didn't mind. However, one day Lenora was involved in quite the controversy. The pastor who had raised her turned up dead. It was deemed a murder, and a rather grisly one at that. Many suspected that she may have been involved. They began plotting to go after her and bring her to justice for the crime. Terrified, she ran away, never to be seen again...

Cherish, however, denies any connection to the tale. She insists that people only look at the facts. She was a woman who once lived in Oregon, and traveled down to California with her trusty companion Licorice. She leads a solitary life full of self-reliance and survivalist tendencies, and seems to have been doing as such for a very long time. She took up residence in an abandoned church in California, and has stayed there ever since she first found it. She's truly turned the place into a home, as many can tell. She claims herself to be a nun, though whether she really was one in the past or is one now is up to debate. She's also well known for her apothecary work, and is often seen as quite the intelligent woman in terms of medicine. She earned the title "The Wandering Cross" due to the emblem on her dress, alongside her mannerisms. While she mainly takes up residence in the church, she is no stranger to wandering the lands, seeking out people who may want to trade for her goods. She's made up quite a good trading business, and is able to get many of the necessities that she can't home-grow.


  • Coffee
  • Nature (And especially being out in it)
  • Her church
  • Taking care of herself
  • Leading a peaceful life


  • People getting into trouble
  • Going into town (Usually)
  • Asking for help
  • Having her peaceful life disrupted
  • Crowds


  • READING: Cherish is a huge bookworm. She loves to read anything she can get her hands on, really. She often finds a lot of relaxation in reading, and loves to escape off into the often-fantastical worlds that stories can hold. She also loves learning from books!

  • HUNTING: Cherish is quite the survivalist. Among her various skills with different survival crafts, she is especially fond of hunting. She often just uses her shotgun to get the job done, and finds a huge sense of joy in cleaning and preserving her hunts. She makes sure not to be wasteful or excessive with the animals she hunts, and makes sure that every piece of the creature goes to good use. She is also quite a fan of fishing, though still prefers hunting.

  • COOKING: Naturally, Cherish is a great cook. She is very skilled in food preparation, and can use a variety of different mediums to bring delicious meals to the table. She always uses all of her own ingredients to make her meals; she'll use meat that she's gained through hunting and fruits/vegetables/grains/spices that she's harvested from her personal garden. She is especially good with cooking meat, and quite enjoys cooking over fire.

  • SEWING: Cherish definitely enjoys to sew. She is very good when it comes to sewing, and is no stranger to making her own clothes. She's often very open to repairing clothes and fabric goods for those close to her, and is very relaxed by doing as such. Her favorite thing to sew is quilts, as she loves the creativity that she can bring out in it!

  • MUSICAL TALENT: While she's a bit shy to admit it, she does have somewhat of a gift with music. She knows how to play the pipe organ in her church very well, and is also quite the singer. She's also pretty good at dancing, but often has no one to dance with. Sometimes she likes to play old church hymns and lullabies on the organ to settle herself to sleep.


  • SMOKING: It's not quite as habitual as one may think, but Cherish doesn't mind smoking. It's not really an uncommon sight to see her with a cigar. However, she's trying her best to cut down on the amount she smokes.

  • CURSING: A habit that Cherish is unlikely to give up any time soon. She has a rather dirty mouth, and is incredibly prone to cursing. She tries to cut down on her curses when she's around people she actually cares about her reputation with, but otherwise she's fine cursing as much as she pleases.

  • PLAYING WITH HER HAIR: When she's anxious, flustered, or otherwise feeling reserved, Cherish will often play with her hair. It's sort of a coping mechanism for her, and it can help to calm her down.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.


  • SELF-SUFFICIENT: Cherish is absolutely able to take care of herself. She is very reliant on her own abilities, and often uses them to her advantage.

  • PRAGMATIC: Cherish is a rather grounded thinker. She keeps her thoughts anchored in logic and realism, which can help her through tough times.

  • NUTURING: Underneath layers and layers of coldness and attitude, Cherish is a very nurturing person. She can be surprisingly motherly, and actually quite enjoys caring for others.

  • RESPONSIBLE: Cherish is a very mature and honest individual. She is no stranger to accountability, and will always be one to own up to her actions. She also makes sure to do her best in keeping others out of trouble.

  • BRAVE: Cherish is a brave woman. She's level-headed and calm in the face of danger, and she won't let a scary situation get her down.


  • RECLUSIVE: Cherish generally hates being around lots of people. She finds a lot of people to be more trouble than they're worth, and would rather stay away than get too involved. She leads a lonely life, and she's well aware of it.

  • STUBBORN: Cherish is a very stalwart individual, but to an overbearing extent. It can often be hard to convince her that her way is not the right way all the time.

  • STOIC: Cherish is stoic to a somewhat undesirable level. She is almost emotionally inept when it comes to herself. She doesn't know how to deduce how she's feeling, and often just gets confused as a result.

  • SERIOUS: Cherish is very strict and disciplined. While this can be a good thing, it can often leave her oblivious to humor and having real fun. She's very slow to pick up on jokes that she doesn't attempt to make herself.

  • CALLOUS: Cherish is a VERY hard person to get to open up, especially if she doesn't approach a person first. She can often act very cold to others as a result, and sometimes her callous mannerisms can be pretty hurtful to others.


  • SHARPSHOOTER: Cherish is a very skilled shot. She is very proficient in using her shotgun, and is no stranger to putting it in action.

  • KEEN SMELL: Cherish has a ridiculously good nose. She can sniff out just about anything with ease, and is no stranger to sniffing her way around direction-wise. She's very sensitive to the scents of those around her as well, and she absolutely knows people by smell.

  • EQUESTRIAN: Cherish has her own horse. He's a Friesian named Licorice, and she loves him dearly. She is quite skilled at riding him, and she takes the best care of him that she can. She often uses him if she has to go into town for anything, which she tries to keep infrequent.

  • SURVIVALIST: Cherish is very used to living alone with the bare essentials. She's accumulated a vast majority of survival knowledge that she puts to work in her daily life. She's able to thrive in even the worst of conditions due to these skills.

  • MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE: Cherish knows quite a bit about medicine and medical procedures. She is especially good when it comes to medicinal herbs, and is no stranger to making powerful herbal tinctures to remedy any ailment.


  • She LOVES bear meat, like a TON. It's easily her favorite food out there. She especially loves drying it and eating it as jerky, though eating it freshly cooked is just as delightful. A close second favorite for her is deer meat.
  • Surprisingly, she's a pretty good teacher! She is very calm and patient when it comes to teaching others something new, and many people are quite surprised by this. Despite this, however, she could never bring herself to teach children. She quite dislikes them, in fact, especially if they're hyper and chaotic. More mellow children are definitely more tolerable for her.
  • She cares deeply for animals. She really loves their presence around her, and she is pretty soothed by their company. Her favorite animal out there is easily her horse Licorice, and she loves him with her whole heart. She also quite loves cats. A lot of stray cats like to wander into her church, and she'll often feed and take care of them when they show up.
  • She has a surprising amount of rather mature mannerisms, the kinds more akin to an elderly person than one of her age. She doesn't really know why she has them, but she's not upset by it.
  • Her skirt is ripped at the bottom on purpose. She ripped it herself. It's more comfortable that way, and she also finds her mobility to be greatly improved in it.
  • While she is very used to leading a solitary life, she does sometimes find herself wishing for company aside from the animals around her. She doesn't really want many people around, as she thinks it would just leave her uncomfortable. However, she likes the idea of just having one or two other people that she can share her home with.
  • She really tries her best to make do with what she has around her. She avoids going into town at all costs, if she can help it, and would much rather forage, gather, grow, and make her own supplies instead of purchasing them. Despite having this very self-sufficient attitude, however, she doesn't have any qualms with others who frequent town.
  • When she's particularly angry, she's found that a great way of releasing her tensions is by chopping wood. She can handle an ax pretty dang well, and collecting the wood from it for firewood can be very helpful.
  • She is a very big fan of coffee. Mainly black coffee suits her, as she doesn't like many fix-ins. Despite that, the bitter beverage is definitely a go-to favorite of hers.
  • She doesn't really have that big of a sweet tooth. In fact, she's not a huge fan of sweets at all. This is mainly due to the fact that she's simply not used to sweet tastes. The sweetest thing that she's ever eaten is fruit, and that's about all the sweetness she can handle. Anything more sugary than that and she doesn't really like it.
  • She really doesn't value money all that highly. She tends to not use it for much, and doesn't really like getting it in return because of that. She'd much rather receive goods like eggs, dairy products, and cloth in trades versus being monetarily paid. She has a hard time coming across such items in her life, and thus values them much more highly.
  • While she claims herself to be a nun, her religious beliefs are very... Confusing. She seems to believe in God, and can often be found praying in the church. However, aside from that, not many of her beliefs are well-known.
  • She is very wary of anyone seeing her body, particularly her back. This is due to the variety of scars she has there. Her back is almost entirely covered in scars, in fact. They appear to be from flagellation, but she'll never specifically say where she got them from.
  • She can actually get very panicky when around crowds of people or when she's in tight spaces. She seems to have a past where such elements hold a VERY negative connotation. However, she isn't one to specifically admit this.
  • More later?





Describe relationship here. Suspendisse aliquet arcu tellus, vel volutpat turpis congue vel. Nam condimentum dui in est maximus, et accumsan felis cursus. Donec ac diam id mi viverra viverra et in urna. Sed interdum sem non dignissim porta.




Describe relationship here. Suspendisse aliquet arcu tellus, vel volutpat turpis congue vel. Nam condimentum dui in est maximus, et accumsan felis cursus. Donec ac diam id mi viverra viverra et in urna. Sed interdum sem non dignissim porta.




Describe relationship here. Suspendisse aliquet arcu tellus, vel volutpat turpis congue vel. Nam condimentum dui in est maximus, et accumsan felis cursus. Donec ac diam id mi viverra viverra et in urna. Sed interdum sem non dignissim porta.

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