Cain Vivendell (Modern AU)



Cain Vivendell

Name Cain Vivendell
Age 23
Prns He/Him
Gender Trans Man
Species Ashen Vampire


I wasn't expecting company. Stay a while, won't you?

Pompous and pretentious, Cain Vivendell isn't the most popular person in town. Among the older folk in the community, he is known as Elias Vivendell's dear son, who was left in his mother's custody after Elias and his wife Eres's separation twenty years ago; among the younger folk, he is known to make quite the ruckus around town, getting into fights in backalleys and sauntering around with some local delinquents.

Really though, he's quite a respectful young man. He treats everyone with an air of poise, though distant, unless they really do deserve lesser treatment.


  • Aggressive
  • Passionate
  • Loyal
  • Blunt
  • Intelligent
  • Alchemy
  • History
  • Literature
  • Battle Tactics
  • Hunting
  • Deer hunting
  • Sparring
  • Showing off
  • Providing for the people he loves
  • Looking good
  • Ice cream
  • Talkative people
  • When things don't go his way
  • Losing
  • Hot weather


Designer crowkedout
Owner crowkedout
Design Notes
  • Right arm is a prosthetic, made from metallic material.
  • He has a bat tattoo over his top surgery scars and another bat tattoo across his shoulder blades.
  • His dog tag has his name and date of birth etched into it.
  • He has numerous scars across his body. The most important are an impalement scar on his lower right abdomen/lower right back, top surgery scars, and a blade scar from his upper thigh to his navel on the left of his torso.
  • He wears two rings on his right ring finger.


Wrecks Owned by Debs

Best Friend - Wrecks is one of Cain's best friends. They're partners in crime, two peas on a pod. They make each other laugh.


Yokaze Aki Owned by Ice

Best Friend - Cain's right hand man. They've been with each other through thick and thin, and always will be.


Soren Aulner Owned by Ice

Husband - The love of Cain's life, the father to his imminent children. Cain would tear the world down for Soren.
