


3 years, 7 months ago


specie : axolotl

age : ???

height/weight : 148cm, 39kg

agender (any pronouns), pansexual


-A mysterious figure, nobody really knows him. Very popular on social media

-Loves to brag about how awesome and splendid he is

-He feeds on attention from others, enjoying being the center of any conversations or social gatherings

-Selfish, but likes to help people to benefit his image. He believes being seen as a kind and generous person enhances his reputation

-Awfully good at convincing people. He can talk his way out of almost any situations


-Some people say he's a veritable angel, sent to bring 'good luck' to those he interacts with (these rumors have fueled his ego even further)

•He once got kidnapped by a crazy psycho who wanted to win the loto (didn't deter him from showing his little face in public again (also, no. Kidnapper guy didn't win said lottery))

-His constant need for attention leads to short 'friendships'. He moves on once the initial sparks and fascination with his presence fades

-Moves place to place, it seems like he can't stay anywhere for too long. However, he claims it's because he's spreading luck to new places and people

-Some try to call him out for his nonsense, but his defenders are always here to help him, so he isn't too worried