The Pack (Noah Valentine)




"Insert a quote here."

  • AGE 15
  • RACEhuman
  • PRONOUNShe/him
  • ORIENTATIONunknown
  • MBTI esfj

➤ might seem sweet on the outside, but he's a rather disturbed individual.
➤ can and probably would snap your neck.
➤ likes doing all sorts of jobs for lunar corp, including some of the "not so nice" things. unlike cody, he enjoys getting "his hands dirty". he primarily seeks validation by doing ANYTHING people ask him to do, even if the tasks are not so pleasant and potentially illegal
➤ kind of scary to be around and doesn't have a filter. he will say whatever comes to his head.
➤ the youngest member of the group.
➤ fear.

Layout by Parziivale | Code by AviCode