
3 years, 6 months ago


basic info
name: Acher
pronouns: she/he/they (primarily uses "they/them")
age: [unknown]
occupation: Entomologist (primary focus: myrmecology)
virtue/vice: attentive/competitive
basic apperance
height: 5'11"
build: average (~140 - 160lb)
hair: brown, mostly straight, normally looped back into a low ponytail/bun
eyes: dark reddish-brown (Graves Disease - "popped out" look)
notable traits: wears semi-opaque red/pink tinted glasses (or goggles, when needed)
style: practical/utilitarian. clothing serves practical purposes.
soups/smoothies/other "drinkable meals", interesting bugs, pushing the limits of knowledge
extreme weather differences (too hot and humid, or cold and windy), heights
character summary
Acher's primary job is an entomologist. they work with the local nature center, mostly dealing with the data and paperwork that comes with tracking invasive bug species in the area. they'll ocassionally find themself in the field doing tests, but most of their work takes place behind a desk.
at home, Acher has the hobby of breeding ant colonies. at the moment, they have two main colonies. one is their original pet project - a crossbreed between the domestic banded sugar ants (Camponotus consobrinus) and meat ants (Iridomyrmex purpureus) ants. the other is a group of bull ants that Acher has spent years breeding for speed, agression, and venom.
they also have a giant millipede as a pet - it is quiet literally the size of an obese dachshund. the millipede mostly roams through the house like a very leggy lapdog.
Acher has bred their banded sugar ants & meat ants so that their hybrid offspring can strip a human corpse in a matter of hours. this is extremely effective when Acher needs to dispose of any bodies.

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