Dancestor - Deekol Maslov



3 years, 7 months ago


Deekol Maslov

8695557?1604106844HP 70%
Attack 25%
Defense 40%
Speed 65%
Dexterity 50%
Intellect 60%
Charisma 80%
Luck 30%


Name Deekol Maslov
Alias Dee
Age 11 1/2 Sweeps / 25 Years
Gender Female She/Her
Origin Beforus
Race Troll
Blood Purple
GodTier Maid of Hope
Height 8 ft / 11 with horns
Build Fat and curvy
Demeanor Icy
Theme TBD
Value $$$$

"Do you ever wonder what your true fate really is? I do."

  • Flowers
  • Reading Romance
  • Being in Control
  • Chips
  • BBQ Chips
  • Feeling Powerless
  • Sports
  • Being Late


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky











Skills & Abilities

Let's Dream
The Maslovs are able to manipulate the dreams of trolls as long as they are familiar with their target and they are asleep as well. If they are out of the galaxy they are unable to reach them. The girls often times show up in the dreams themselves at some point as their consciousness has to be there as well.

Highblood Stength
She is a highblood and therefore Deekol has enhanced strength. She can lift and throw things a normal human could not.

Each of the Maslovs where fast. They can flash step which made them each get invitations to train as Laughsassins. .

Steady hands, good eyes
Deekol has an uncanny ability to juggle and dance Ballet at the same time. It proves how well her hand eye cordination is.


Journals [ Trinket ]
A few thick books made of leather and signed with the Maslov's purple sign on the front and back. Deekol writes her thoughts and feelings inside them.

Metal Balls [ Strife Specibus ]
Heavy metal balls painted with Purple and Gold. Looks new!

Rusty Battleaxe [ Strife Sbecibus ]
A battle axe adorned with golds and purple paints. It has been rusted from a few years of use in the Maslov line before Deekol's ownership of it.

Gold Jewelry [ Accessory ]
Thick hooped earings, gold studs, and golden rings.

Purple Bow [ Accessory ]
A large purple bow sometimes worn in her hair.

Yellow Ribbon [ Treassure ]
A large ribbon sometimes tied into a bow, wrapped around her waist, or wrapped around her neck. Has importance to her.

Eye patch [ Trinket ]
A black cloth given to her. She rather wears her blind eye proudly but this item is important to her so she keeps it on her person.



Deekol was hatched and raised on Beforus with the rest of her friends. She had been raised by a semi aquatic wolf lusus. Her days where filled with learning how to fight, practicing her routine for church meetings, and learning different life lessons. She met friends and fearfully awaited for her time to be a contributing member of society. She wouldn't know what she'd do if she where to come into a duty of taking care of a lowblood or a weaker highblood but she prepped for this possible outcome either way, leaning on others and their perception of her and her abilities.


Deekol spent the game on her planet and on prospit. She mostly ignored the group and their issues opting to focus on the queen and her quests on prospit. She didn't understand why the monarchies where fighting but she was more than happy to put an end to it in her very own way. Taking the inititive to mess with the Black Queen's nightmares she had handily lowered her powers by depriving her of good sleep for months at her own sacrifice. The team had managed to kill the black queen rather early but Derse had been destroyed as a consequence, along with all of those still dreaming on the moon at the time.

The team had split down the middle over the helpfulness of Deekol's decisions. Those who vouched for her where then seen as more of a group she could depend on. She put effort into getting to know those few trolls. The teal of their group had taken it upon themself to kill Deekol incase he made any other drastic decisions without group consultation. She had been cornered when her guard was down.


The Teal had left to the group to finish the game assuming the Purple was dead. Unfortunately they where wrong. Deekol had gotten up and wandered to a mysterious computer system. After sending her friend's grub forms to the correct timelines she had used the machinery to reach back in time and meddle with the Teal, a special type of anger guiding her. It explained why a lot of aweful things happened to the Teal growing up. Eventually she bled out in that chair and awoke in the dream bubbles where she patiently awaits for literally anything to happen.



Unnamed Gold

[ Unrequited ]

She is a yellowblood that had reached out to Deekol in private and in a round about way she had been preassured to side with Deekol. Deekol unknowingly held her empty sentiment close to her heart.


Unnamed Teal

[ Platonic Hate ]

Deekol spent her last dying breaths trying to vex this troll unknowingly setting them on the correct path that would lead to success for their group.