


7 years, 3 months ago


Name: Kitsune

Nickname(s): N/A

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Fire fox monster

Age: 22

Appearance: Kitsune looks pretty much like an average fox in a sweater with a rainbow scarf. Well, unless you count the fire hair and ear tuffs, and the fire fingers.. Yeah maybe he isn't all so average. His colors are about what you'd expect from a fox, but he has green fire hair, ear tuffs, and fingers. He has little nubs where actual hands would normally be, and whether he was born without them or lost them somehow is unknown.

Abilities: He can make green fireballs with his fire fingers then shoot them at his enemy in a gun-like fashion. Yes, this requires making finger-gun motions with his fingers. He can also control the temperature of his fire body-parts, they tend to get hotter when he's embarrassed or angry and colder when he's afraid or upset.

Personality: Kitsune starts off pretty shy, he doesn't like being the first to speak up in a conversation. But once you get to know him he's a total nerd. He loves hanging out with his friends, whether it be going to a party with them or playing video games. He can be pretty sensitive at times though, and if you upset him he'll usually hold a grudge for a couple of days before speaking to you again. It never lasts longer than a week though.