


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Common Traits:

Single color blooms, Fiber Hair, Petal Lashes, Stamen Lashes, White Sclera, Medicinal.

Rare traits:

Seed Pods, 4 Blooms.

Very Rare traits:

Small Size (less than 5cm), Whiteout Eyes

Epic traits:

White tints, Anniversary Leaf Mark.


This character belongs to the Plotties Closed Species.

White Japanese Dandelion Angie (Taxacum albidum)
Air-bending abilities.
 Ability to fly, hover and float. Ephemeral/see-through nature.


 Name  Tanpopo
 Pronouns They/Them
 Age  N/A
 D.o.B.  November 6
 Height  < 5 cm
 Build  Slight
 Race  Plottie
 Subspecies  Angie
 Title  Wish Granter
 HTML  Eggy


"Do you want to make a wish?"

White Japanese Dandelion Angie (Taxacum albidum)

They had been called many things. Witch. Warlock. Wishgranter. Weed.

People were usually unhappy to see them. They understood and accepted this. Who would want to stare at their own unfulfilled desires? An eyesore in a seemingly idyllic garden, reminding them that they didn't have everything they wanted. That they still had things they were weak or desperate or greedy enough to wish for. Who wouldn't want to pull that out by the roots, make sure they never had to see such a terrible sight again?

But there were also people who were amazed at the sight of their seed buds. Innocent children watching the seeds scatter away. People who could remember the stories of wishes made on a flower and laugh. Then there were the people who couldn't see them at all, who walked past them and never noticed if they caught a ride on the collar of their shirt, curious to see life from the perspective of a person who wanted for nothing.

Regardless of how others saw them, they never faltered in their good will. They were a wish granting angie, and they were proud of it. Their only regret was that every wish made and fulfilled meant separation. "Make a wish and blow all the seeds away!" They would flutter around the wishmaker and then disappear, to be reborn again in a different garden or yard. Then there would be more people to meet, those who were friendly and those who were not. Those who would tear them out at the roots and those who would scatter them to the wind for the sake of a wish.

This was their life, and they enjoyed the wishes they granted and the many people they met. Every parting was a chance to make more people happy--

But sometimes, they couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if they could stay.

Maybe next time they found another dandelion, one of them could scatter the other's seeds and see if they could make each other's wishes come true.


  • Air-bending abilities
  • Ability to fly, hover, and float
  • Ephemeral/See-through nature
  • Appears as a common weed to those blessed few who don't have wishes
  • "If I leave, I can make more people happy. But what would happen if I stayed?"