


3 years, 10 months ago


✦ Basics

Name Buzzard(-sblade)
Age young adult
Gender cis male
Pronouns he/him
Sexuality bisexual
Species Cat
✦ About

Buzzard, in clans known as Buzzardsblade and with his family known as Buzzi, is just.. such an a--hole. He is brave and strong, attractive and charming, and he knows it. He is absolutely unloyal and will never stay long with anyone. He jumps from clan to clan and from partner to partner and never stays. He is egocentric and arrogant, strong-willed and stubborn and - to the suffering of a lot of cats - way too intelligent. He finds it  fun to play with others feeling or to threaten them. Although he appears sweet and caring on a first meeting, it is almost always nothing more than a diversion so that he can enjoy the sensation of ruining another cats life. He never shares things about himself and lies constantly, usually making up cute sob stories or charming heroic tales about himself to appeal to his crrent target. Buzzard is mean and witty, and his favorite thing to do is living as a loner, making clancats fall in love with him and then watching the drama unfold. In his childhood, he was already a troublemaker and his mother was very overwhelmed with him. She eventually gave him up to grow up with his dad -  but he didnt have a lot of time for Buzzard, which is why the tom grew up pretty much by himself, thinking that nobody wanted him. He has a lot of trust issues and covers up his insecurities with his lifestyle and incredible arrogance.

✦ Appearance

Buzzard is a tall, brown tabby tom with long, muscly legs and very long ears. His fur is fluffy and warm with light brown and white areas. He has a large, white spot as a chest that looks like a big bird. He has a sharp muzzle, one white paw and an elegant, fluffy tail with a white tip. His eyes are narrow and have a cold, blue color.

✦ Likes
cold weather
✦ Dislikes
crouded spaces
✦ Details












✦ Backstory

Although being born into his clan and spending his entire childhood and young adulthood there, Buzzardsblade was never really fond of clanlife. He hated all the rules, the work, the social aspects, and never found much pride in being part of a clan. So, even in his time as a teen, he started to spend more and more time outside of his clan, even slipping out of their territory whenever he had the chance. Basically as soon as he had his warrior name - and with that, full freedom to wander around without supervision - he left. He'd still pop in every few days, making everyone unsure wether or not he was actually leaving or not, but after he got into trouble with their leader for never hunting for the clan, never going on patrols, but then coming back to eat their food, he ultimately left and went to wander the world. He'd find much joy in flirting with a multitude of different cats, but never stayed anywhere for long.

✦ Relationships
Honey(bat)his father??? It's complicated 
Crowfighthoneys brother, and therefore his uncle
Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
✦ Trivia
headcanon voice
● he'd be a Thunderclan cat
● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.