$260 - $470 (NYP)



3 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
$260 - $470

Basic Info


Bella Notte




Female (she/her)


Bella did grow up on the seas, practically. She wasn't tragically orphaned or abused, but she was fairly stupid. One night when she was a fairly tiny pup, she ran away to the docks to watch the ships. She saw an ornate schooner docked for the night and grew very curious. Hidden in the shadows, she snuck into the belly of the ship to explore. After hours upon hours of exploring, she grew tired and fell asleep in a pile of rope. The next morning, she realized that there was more rope than the night prior. When she looked out the window, she realized they were out at sea. Surprisingly she wasn't afraid. She thought they were just going on an adventure and would be back by sundown. She never saw her real parents again. As reality hit, she became weary of the rustic crew on the ship. She stayed very well hidden from them throughout the voyage, stealing food and water only when nobody was looking. When they docked again, she immediately got off, thinking she was home. She wasn't.  Desperate to get home, she hopped from ship to ship hoping one would finally take her home. Eventually, as she was fairly young, she started to pick up languages and have a knack for differentiating and understanding them. By the time she was old enough to no longer hide and start asking around, she forgot which language was her original tongue, making it even more difficult to get home. With the mastery of seven languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, German, and Chinese) she decided to become a sailor by trade. She doesn't admit to it, but deep down she hopes to one day find her parents and her original home.