Xale ♥



7 years, 2 months ago


Personality ✦ Xale has a 'high and mighty' type of personality. He values himself over others and can come off as selfish. He's flirty with just about everything that moves and thinks no one can escape his 'charms'. Although he is the type to hold himself above others, he is actually very caring towards his friends and those close to him. He's a good listener, but when it's his turn to talk he will continue to do so until told to stop. Xale is a very prideful person and a little bit vain, which is sometimes the reason he can be hard to get along with.

History ✦  (work in progress)

Likes ✦ 
- Making sure he looks nice
- Talking with friends
- Any type of plants
- Rainy days (Does Helyum have rain?)
- Food (total glutton, loves snacks)

Dislikes ✦
- Sappy people
- People touching his hair
- People taller than him
- People who act like they know everything
- Working out (He's a lazy bean)

Other ✦ 
- Has an extremely good memory
- Wears a long t-shirt at home with booty shorts to lounge around
- Secretly likes chick-flicks
- Can sing pretty good
- Cannot function without coffee (or the Aerolin equivalent to coffee)