Hermes Mercury



3 years, 7 months ago


Hermes Mercury

Helloooo and welcome to the most observant stream on the web!

Hermes Mercury is an energetic, hedonistic young man who created a reputation for himself as one of the best commentators in the eSports scene thanks to his ability to provide knowledge on gaming while providing entertainment. While he always had a modest audience from watching other streamers and commentating on their plays, it wasn’t until he decided to stream the local Orlando Hyper Team tournament that his name started to spread. His quotable reactions towards many of the amazing plays during the tournament became iconic as many of the stream watchers clipped it, leading it to go viral on Twitter. Since then, his streams started to turn up higher numbers each day, earning him a massive fan base. If anyone wanted to get invested in competitive gaming but didn’t understand how they can be exciting, Hermes’ streams have been recommended as the go-to choice. Even with how polarizing some communities can find him, you won't lie that at least it's a hell of a good time.


He's actually surprisingly private about his life, having lied several times about himself to throw people off. It doesn't really help with the conversation around him, with people believing he has something to hide. Does he though? Who knows. All that anyone can say for certain, is that he ignores a lot of the claims that people make, only carrying his streams along with a smile and energy.


Other Notes:

  • Voiceclaim: Claude (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
  • Body type can be described as "skinny" but not thin.
  • Also streams him just playing video games and fucking around on his own or with friends - especially his friend Dalton.
  • Gets a lot of amusement from making stuff up about shows and movies he hasn't seen.
    • There are a lot of shows and movies that he hasn't seen.
  • His freckles usually go on the bridge of his nose, but since he wears his ladder shades a lot, they can be hard to notice if you aren't looking hard enough but they're there.
  • Likes to make himself seem taller by casually standing on his tippy toes or by sitting on surfaces with an elevation to them (think tables or counters)
    • He doesn't have any issues with his height. It's more fun for him.

Notable Relationships:

Dalton Moreno de la Fuente (belongs to Raio): Friends since middle school after going through some shenanigans. They hang out in real life and sometimes joining each other on their respective programs. He doesn't like comments he gets online about whether or not he has a crush on him. ...He does but also that's confidential.

Emera Castillo: The two of them used to be childhood friends before their family moved to San Francisco because of her dad's job as a university professor. He thought he was one of the coolest people he had met as a kid. Although when they reunited at some point when they were older, and fundamentally different people, he found that it was harder to really relate to him. And if anything, he kind of takes issue that they're someone who has a very good sense about 'getting information' about everyone. Their relationship now is slightly more hostile.

Chance: Acquaintances who also gradually get more friendly with each other. Hermes likes to mess with him in the fact that he likes the reactions he gets out of Chance. Although he's still willing to have some kind of heart to heart with him if the time were to come. Granted, he still wouldn't tell Chance as much as people he's known longer but he likes his company.

Misc Trivia:

  • Likes: Loud music, party games, mythology
  • Dislikes: Gaming communities, cheaters, stuffy settings
  • Associated Pokemon Type(s): Electric
  • Aesthetics: E-Sports, 80s arcade, retrowave, video games
  • Lives in Orlando, Florida
  • Knows how to speak English and Spanish. Also pretty well-versed in ASL
  • The type of person to be lactose intolerant but eat dairy products regardless.
    • Anyways, he's lactose intolerant
  • Big fan of sappy romance stuff