Daydam's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Yve Global Rules

terms of service

My official design TOS can be read here.

This is just a general overview of the terms regarding designs created by me.

The whole, official TOS is what will be taken in consideration in any circumstances.


All designs made by me will be uploaded to Toyhouse so their whereabouts can be easily tracked.

 Owners of designs made by me are prohibited from deleting them from Toyhouse.

In case an owner of a design made by me is leaving the site or needs to have their account closed for any reason, they must contact me to discuss the the character's destination.

 Designs made by me can't be used commercially in any way nor for any kind of profit.

It includes, but is not limited to:

1. Brand mascots

2. VTubers

3. Franchise characters

4. Similar uses as the above examples.

No merch of designs made by me can be produced / sold.

The current owner of designs made by me may use them personally only.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

1. Personal stories

2. Personal Roleplaying / Worldbuilding

3. Personal ⟮web⟯comics

4. Personal, unmonetized animatics or animations

5. Personal mascots / Personas

6. Similar uses as the above examples.

Involving designs made by me in hateful / illegal content is prohibited.

Designs made by me may have more than one owner.

 I don't take any responsibility in co-ownership matters.



Desings made by me cannot be traded, gifted, sold or similarly transferred to people outside of Toyhouse.

All current / new owners must have a Toyhouse account to own designs made by me.

In case a future owner doesn't have a Toyhouse account, they are free to contact me to acquire an invite code.

 I don't take responsibility for any transactions other than the original sale / trade made by me.

Designs made by me may be resold only if:

1. They were bought from me

2. Self-made arts / crafts were made of the design

3. Arts / crafts of the design were commissioned.

The reselling price cannot be higher than what it was bought for, unless:

It has extra arts / crafts and the value is equivalent to their worth.

Free art and art obtained in trades do not increase the reselling value.

Vouchers, gift cards and such are considered as having monetary value, therefore are not allowed in trades.

All transfers of designs made by me must be under the law, which means:

1. If it includes NSFW content it can't be owned by minors

2. The transfer can't involve anything illegal

3. The transfer must be done through lawful methods / sites.

Designs made by me cannot be put for offers / sale on Amino nor any sites other than Toyhouse without explicit permission from me.

Owners of art / designs created by me are encouraged not to transfer my creations to people:

1. With a history of breaking others' TOS.

2. Who condone or partake in illegal or hateful actions.

 Users on my blacklist cannot use or be on possession of anything made by me in any circumstances



Redesigns and alternative forms of characters created by me are allowed having in mind that:

1. All redesigns / alt. forms of a design made by me still abide by the rules of my TOS.

2. The redesign / alt. form must still be recognizable as the original design made by me.

3. The original design and all redesigns / alt. forms can't be treated as different characters.

4. All redesigns and alt. forms of a design made by me must be kept together / have the same owner⟮s⟯.

5. The credit for the original design is still assigned to me.

The redesigner may only claim the redesign / alt. form made by them.

A design made by me may have its species changed and even made into a Closed Species.

Example: making an originally humanoid character into an anthropomorphic one⟯

Creating a Closed Species based on or inspired by designs made by me is prohibited.

Colorpicking / taking slight inspiration from designs made by me is allowed as long as the current owner allows it.


⬝ Bacellar / Jaymonio

⬝ Gaari / Gaart

⬝ Marcymall0w

⬝ Sweetpeterr


⬝ Lanmoy3

⬝ Moonesaiky

Don't harass these users.

Don't involve us in drama.

Not having users on this blacklist does not mean I condone their actions.

This blacklist is merely a personal precaution to avoid specific users.