Osan Gitsune ( lancer )



3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Osan Gitsune
AKA: Osan, Osan the fox
Gender: Female
Sexuality:  Pansexual/Aromantic
Age: appears in her mid to late 20s
Class: Lancer
Affinity: Earth
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Source: Japanese Mythology
Region: Western Japan/Eba, Hiroshima

Osan can be as sly and cunning as any fox. She loves playing tricks on people. She also tends to be rather seductive.

Osan will never settle down in a one partner relationship. She might have people she performs more than others but nothing deeper than that.

In legends it states that Osan would cause men to cheat on their partners due to jealousy. With servant Osan this is partly true. She just doesn’t understand her own jealousy toward people who have settled into a monogamous relationship. She herself can never settle into a single partner happy relationship; it is against her nature. Osan can not feel romantic love the way humans ( and sometimes other yokai ) do. It is this that draws her to break up the romantic relationships of others.

Though Osan can never settle into a single relationship she can have longer term partners. Suzuka gozen is one of these people.Osan feels no romantic love for Suzuka but still loves her nonetheless. The relationship is still an open one meaning Osan still sleeps around with others but it is never with an emotional connection and only for the pleasure of it. With Suzuka it has an emotional connection and pleasure.

Of all the servants in Chaldea the one Osan gets along with the least is actually Tamamo no mae. It is also a rather mutual hatred between the two. Tamamo doesn’t want more fox girls in chaldea and Osan is a fox girl in chaldea. If the two are in the same room it is very likely a fight will break out between the two of them.


Osan Gitsune or just Osan is a kitsune whose legends are popular in western Japan.She was claimed by the people of Eba, Hiroshima despite her antics. She was stylish and influential and would travel between her hometown and  the capital. She could also be rather envious and would thus try to break up people's relationships by trying to seduce one of the two. Sometimes the people she seduced would have fallen so much for her that they return to see Osan again. Even if they found out Osan was a fox this would not stop them and they would continue to visit her.

By time Osan was 80 she had given birth to over 500 foxes in the Eba, Hiroshima area. During the food storage during world war 2 when there was a food shortage the locals fed the cities foxes due to them being descendants of Osan. Today her spirit is enshrined in a small shrine in Marukoyama Fudoin and memorialized by a bronze statue.

In Tottori, Osan was said to have lived in a place called Garagara. She would frequently appear to travelers and bring them to her house. Once she tried to seduce a farmer called Yosobei.However, Yosobei knew about Osan and her habit of seducing people and was thus prepared for her. When Osan finally approached him he played along and pretended to be seduced by her and went with the fox to her home. Once there he burned Osan with some fire causing her to drop her disguises. Osan begged for her life. Yosobei released her under the condition that she never caused harm again. Osan agreed and then fled the area.

Years later a man encountered a young woman walking alone on the road. She asked the man if Yosobei was still alive. The man told her yes. “Oh god! How terrifying!” the women exclaimed and then fled to the woods.

In Hiroshima Osan lived in Eba. She liked to disguise herself as a lion and set the tip of her tail on fire to terrorize people. One day she was captured by a merchant who threatened to set her on fire. Osan begged for forgiveness and promised to the merchant that in the following night she will transform herself into a daimyo’s procession. The merchant agreed and released Osan. The following night a daimyo’s procession did in fact approach the city. The Merchant impressed by the display approached to commend Osan for her performance. However, it was not Osan but a real daimyo’s procession.The daimyo was offend by the merchant and had him beheaded.

Bond 10 ce:

Strength: D
Endurance: D
Agility: C
Mana: A+
Luck:  B
Noble Phantasm: A

Noble phantasm: Osan-Gitsune no Mai (Dance of Osan-Gitsune) (Arts)

Remove defense buffs to one enemy (actives first)
Deal heavy damage to one enemy
Chance to inflict defense down to one enemy (overcharge)

Passive skills:
Magic Resistance B: 
Increases own debuff resistance by 17.5%.

Natural Seductress B: Increases own charm success rate by 10%

Active skills:

Shape shift (seduction): Increases own defense for 1 turn.

Further increases own defense for 3 turns. Lower one enemies attack and defense 3 turns

Kitsune are foxes that are able to transform. Osan uses her transformation ability to transform into a beautiful woman and seduce men ( and women ) to break apart their relationship. Somewhere even so entranced by her that they continued to see her even if they saw past her disguise.

Kitsune Infatuation: 60% Chance to Charm all enemies for 1 turn
Inflicts Buff Block status for 1 time, 3 turns.

Fox’s charm: Increase all allies attack for 3 turns
Increase own debuff success rate.


Animal Characteristics Servants, Earth or Sky, Female, Humanoid, Non-Hominidae Servants, Weak to Enuma Elish, Wild Beast, Yokai

Earth or Sky, Female, Humanoid, Weak to Enuma Elish, Yokai

other facts

Is also a MILF
Will steal your man/women/enby lover.
She has a notebook in her room that lists the kinks of every ( of age ) servant, and yes she kink shames

information source