


7 years, 3 months ago


Important Note: Lukas is an almost 12 years old OC, he was made back when I was around 11/12 back when I was super into creepypasta. I've long lost his original drawings and stories, but he's very dear to my heart and I'm slowly rewriting him into a decent character! )

Happy Homes Family Clinic 

Confidential Psychology Report

Patient Name: Lukas K. Kaser   

Date of Birth: 6/18

Age: 16 year 9 months

Evaluation Dates:  4/19-4/24

Date of Report: 4/25

Client Number: 0826-9991

Reason for Referral

Lukas's main psychologist, Dr. Sanders, has expressed concerns for Lukas's growing paranoia, insomnia, and hallucinations. His case has been given to me with guardian permission by Mrs. Kaser who expressed her own concerns in her email of her son's growing hostility and dissociative behaviors.

Procedures for Evaluation 

  • Interviews and counseling sessions with Lukas. 
  • Possible Personality Disorder screening

Previous Medical History

Current Diagnosis: Generalized Anxiety, Bipolar II  Disorder, Schizophrenia 

Approved Prescriptions: Aripiprazole,  Sertraline, Hydroxyzine Pamoate*Panic Attacks* 

Relevant Background Information

Early Development

All documents state that Lukas had a standard upbringing, with the only noteable occurances being the ongoing devorice of his parents and the cold case of a close relative, Earliest noted concerns of Lukas's physical health include a case of pneumonia at age 3 and a broken arm at age 5, though psychologically had shown signs of antisocial behavior and reoccurring hallucinations. Childhood imagination seemed to be pushed by his pediatrician, as officially he was never screened or tested. The only file of any abnormal or concerning behavior occured at age 8, according to his at the time pediatrician—Dr. Matthew Jakobs—Mrs. Kaser had made an emergency appointment for Lukas...

In Dr. Jakobs report, he stated that Mrs. Kaser had been unsettled by her son's behavior for a while, claiming he had been very distant from both her and her oldest for the past few months prior to the appointment. She also claims that she'd stumbled across him in the families backyard, near the tree line and property edge, speaking to someone in whispers or simply staring off with a blank expression for long bouts of time. However, the report also states that the catalyst for the impromptu appointment was the sudden death of the family dog to which Mrs. Kaser had found Lukas outside with the family pets collar, the most disturbing piece of the puzzle being the supposed blood that covered her son's hands…

Questions directed at Lukas however have no answers, as the child could recall no memory of the event and seemed particularly distraught at the situation. No further appointments were made in a similar state, and Lukas never reported regaining any memory of the events that took place…

Lukas would move clinics at age 10, under Dr. Sara Hopkinson, until the current age of 16...

Relevant Behavioral Report

Psychology assessments made in the last six years has shown a growing concern in Lukas's mental deterioration and dissociation. While reading through his previous session reports, it's come to my attention that Lukas is suffering from intense paranoia, delusions, and high levels of manic mood shifts. His memory inconstancies are also concerning, he's reported losing months of memory at a time in expreme cases, though when family was asked they only confirm that during those times he seems more closed off and spends more time to himself, but nothing else. While his psychological well being are a concern, his physical health has also taken a turn…

His physician, Dr. Madison, has reported shortened breath, headaches and migraines, and bleeding from the nose on occasions. Though nothing seems to be physically wrong with him, no illness or infection, his symptoms are very concerning. Lukas and his mother have confirmed that headaches were common for him as a child, and the shortness of breath was often assumed as asthma, though he was never officially diagnosed nor given medical prescriptions. Coughing seemed to be a side effect of the aforementioned shortness of breath…

Latest sessions see Lukas saying less and less during his appointments, spending much of his therapy sessions not speaking. However when asked about his insomnia, he speaks briefly of his nightmares of a tall man in a suit, one he'd known as a child that both comforted and scared him. When asked directly he claims they're not dreams, though we've already confronted him as much as we can and he has now agreed and acknowledged that these types of things are simply made up in our heads to scare us. 

Lukas shows signs of irritability, aggression, and mild apathy. Along side those however are subconscious fidgeting and muscle tension, he does not enjoy sitting still during appointments and seems to have developed a case of Kenophobia and mild Nyctophobia. 

— Dr. Parks