Justine Corvi



3 years, 10 months ago



 Name  Justine Corvi 
 Called  Dr. Corvi 
 Gender  Cis Female 
 Age  43 
 Race  Pure Inkdrian 
 Plant  Columbine 
"Helping" people



 Height  5'4" 
 Build  Slender 
 Ink Color  Dark Gray 
 Eyes  Black and White 
 Hair Color  Black and White 
 Hair Style  Long 
 Demeanor  Warm, but... off 


  • A loving mother who lost her son
  • Tries her best to save* people
  • Permanently infertile, but has created life


Justine Corvi was a young prodigy that decided to enter the medical field. She is very intelligent and did her job very well, but after an unfortunate loss of one of her patients, she decided to take matter into her own hands.


Justine, at a young age, excelled in school and was considered a child prodigy by her family and peers. She was a very happy and optimistic person, and took an interest in science and medicine. She decided to pursue the medical field and became a nurse at her local hospital, very young for her age. She enjoyed working with the people there.

After assisting people for several years, on one unfortunate day, Justine was caring for a severely wounded patient of hers, an inkdrian, which was desperately in need of an ink transfusion. Inkdrians were rare in her area, so there was no supply to help them. In a heartbeat she opted to donate her own ink to save their life. Unfortunately, as the ink blood went into their system, instead of improving, they declined. The one who was most vulnerable, the one who she was trying to save, suffered a painful death right in front of her. It was concluded that they had died of columbine poisoning, having received concentrated amounts of the toxin directly into their bloodstream. Filled with shock and grief, Justine gained her first gradient; black. Although most would consider this a tragic accident and move on, she did not. She set out to prove that she could save people, instead of killing them, just as she did.


She went through a dark period of her life, not only being unable to process her grief, but also finding out that she was also infertile. Her highly toxic ink could not sustain any children, at least in the traditional sense. One day, she was hiking in the woods, escaping her job which she had now associated only with death. She heard the noise of what she initially thought was a dying animal. When she approached the noise to investigate, she discovered a weakly crying infant. It was an inkdrian already with a black gradient, a rare sight, and even rarer to see it had white ink. Seeing nobody in sight, she scooped it up into her arms and coddled it close. She quickly headed back to take it to the hospital where it would get proper care. After a few days of care, and some fumbling with paperwork, she adopted the baby she rescued, and gleefully named him Adrien. As she brought him home, she felt light in her heart for the first time in many years, and gained a silvery white hue to her gradient.



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  • Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam.
  • In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis.
  • Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies.
  • Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



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