


3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Character Type


Means Of Ownership

Created by owner

Monetary Worth





basic info

Name Vaniellie Pocky
Called V, Vanie, Nill, Nilla, Nellie, Pocky Doggy
Species Dog-Kitsune Hybrid
Age 24
Gender Female
Pronouns She/They
Orientation Omnisexual
Occupation info
Relationship Status Single
Date of Birth November 30th, 1995
Sign Sagittarius
Scent Coffee, Lavender, Roses
Religion Spiritual

Nillie is a sweet, caring young canine who enjoys the softer things in live, while also enjoying some of the edgier things. She values her friends and family and will do anything for them, so long as they know it's done for them and not for herself. Nel is an open minded and quite loyal, but a little ditzy and childish at times, she does also seem to be very charismatic and likeable to plenty of others around her. She loves to dance and sing and be openly happy around others, she's a bit of a free spirit and will more often do something that makes her happy, such as some bad habits, but may show care in who she does these bad habits around.

Her soft edge is more like a soft, pastel goth type of edge, she may make dark jokes or like gothic clothes in pastel pink colors, she may take a cigarette but only from a cute cigarette holder. This edge is done to cover her naive and childish like traits that she knows she exhibits. Nillie loves coffee, boba tea, and Venom Energy Drinks, using these it's easy to get her into a happy mood or gain her forgiveness. She has a sensitive heart that she wants to hide ir away from others until she has some trust in them.


Her parents met and had a week fling, ending in her mother pregnant, her mother had no interest in getting married or having a child, so she opted to have the pregnancy terminated, but her father begged her mother to keep it, he would raise the child and she would not have to see the baby. She agreed and they stayed 'together' for the duration of the pregnancy, she even stayed around to nurse the baby. Nellie never saw her mother after she was 3, her father raised her after her mother left, no contact.



High Pain Tolerance: Nillie can handle an abnormal amount of pain compared to others. Where most on a scale of 1-10 would say pain is a 10, she would say it's a 4.

Elongated Prehensile Tongue: A part of her magic family origin, Nillie has a very long tapered tongue. It is completely prehensile and she can use it to lift up to 3lbs.

Bioluminescence: Her naughty bits glow when she is aroused! As well as her paw pads and eyes, her eyes glow when she is excited and paws glow at random.

Eyesight in the Dark: Nillie's eyes naturally see in the dark, another part of her magic origins. In low light or complete darkness, she can see and find her way into the light.

Super Sense of Smell: She can smell it. Your fear? She can smell it. She can easily find most anything by smell, even if it's a rather old smell. May not be enhanced by magic.

Fox Fire: A minor ability, Nillie can make up to three small balls of pink or light blue fire appear and float around her. She can also throw them at others, depending on her intent, they can do anything from lightly warm a cold friend, or give second degree burns to an attecker. She can only produce 9 of these little fire orbs in 24 hours, but can keep them going for as long as she needs.

Illusion Casting: An even smalled ability that she is working to develop further. She can and probably will play little pranks that involve cute little pastel ghosts. All in good fun! There was one time that a creepy guy asked for her number and she cast the illusion that she wrote drown her number on a sticky note...

Infatuation Casting: Nillie's favorite ability to cast, when it works. She can make any person, male or female, infatuated and obsessed with her for a while, longer if she wants.



  • Dubstep
  • Candles
  • Plushies
  • Rose Gold
  • Flowers
  • Piercings

  • Math
  • Sparkling Water
  • Crying
  • Spicy Things
  • Rap Music
  • Yelling

food Sushi, Lo Mein
drink Tea, Dr. Pepper
color Pastel Pinks, Blues, Purples
snacks Pocky, Matcha Kitkat
video game Assassins Creed, Skyrim

  • Crafting
  • Antiquing
  • Casting
  • Fire Performance
  • Cooking


Nillie and Takano are friends who live close to each other! Nillie likes to vist and hang out with Takano when they both are not busy, or when Takano is at work on break.


write a little about the character relationship here!


write a little about the character relationship here!


write a little about the character relationship here!


write a little about the character relationship here!


write a little about the character relationship here!

ref sheet


design notes

  • Her hair is dyed black with pink highlights. No she will not let you know or see her real hair color
  • V marking on chest is not optional
  • Ears CAN BE both floppy, both stright up, one floppy and one straight up. Prefer both floppy
  • She is tallish for a female, standing around 5'7"
  • Keeps hair bangs over one of her eyes most of the time
  • Has MONSTER TEETH!! Inside of her mouth is black
  • Tonge is very long and tapered, lightly speckled with three rose gold stud piercings
  • Only digigrade!
  • Her eyes are icy blue and piercing, very intense
  • Has skunk-like markings. Split pn the nose and between the ears, comes together as one stripe on back of the head and down the back, split again in the small of her back and stays split on her tail
  • Can have one tail or three tails! No more, not less.
  • Skunk markings on the three tails is confusing, markings on the two side tails come together before splitting again to keep the skunk markings
  • Speckling is random but in specific areas of the body: Under her eyes, just off the right side of her neck, on her upper arms, small clusters on upper/mid/lower abdomen, on thighs, on her lady bits, on very tip of tail(s)
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