Ryo MorningStar



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

All Closed Species from the world of Gaidinia

Creator of the species and world TH Sasori DA Aremisu




Ryo MorningStar

Name Ryo
Nickname N, Shion, MorningStar, Ukyo, Enkidu
Species Kemuchii
Gender Male
Pronoun Genderfluid
Orientation Homosexual

Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Height 6'2"

Place of Birth Gaidinia
Residence Unknown
Occupation Destroyer

Status Single
Worth Priceless

Colour Palette

Reference Sheet


  • The Dark
  • Hanging Jewelery
  • Vas
  • His Smile


  • The Light
  • Weak People
  • Sand
  • His Chest Touched


Power was the only thought he could think of when Vas came to him as he snapped and growled at the War Deity. Vas promised him power, eternal life and chaos. what sane person/animal could say no? Thus Ryo joined Vas and never regreted it...

Ryo was never the type to be jealous of others but if he saw something you had and he wanted it then he would easily find a way for him to get it. Maybe that was the reason Vas found him, he already did what Vas would want him to do so why not? When Vas approached him he was weary and ready to attack. A dumb mistake becasue he did just that and learned his place quickly that he was no match for the War Deity. When Vas then offered him a place in his army and all came with it, how could he not take such a great bargan. When his soul was first moved into his doll body he questioned so much, how could Humans, Thalemimi, Nyanarrs, Kyanarrs and even Deities themselves walk on two legs? How was someone suppose to run fast? Then there was his teeth, why weren't they sharp? How were people living like this? Ryo soon saw the mirrior pieces of his chest and sadly he was facing the sun so when he went to look down he was blinded by the suns reflecting rays. There was a lot he had to learn but once he had the jists of it Vas sent him straight to work. It wasn't hard work either because he already caused chaos among the animals so with others it was even easier. It helped that he had charm, good looks and that his ears and tail were made of black tar so it helped make things easier to get people to listen to him.

It was at some point during his travels and getting people to continue an endless war that he met Him. Ryo believed in nothing but the ruling of Vas and to keep the wars going no matter what. He continued his way until he met a man with soft pink hair. Maybe it was the fact that the males hair reminded him of the flowers that he himself wore in his hair. Ryo couldn't believe that for the first time he was laughing and smiling. He felt something for this other male and he opened himself up to them, even letting the other male touch his chest that he was so protective of due to his mirrors showing. The other male changed his outlook on life but one might say not for the better. Instead of taking the males teaching of everyone living in peace instead Ryo thought it wasn't fair the War Kemuchii were treated so badly and that they were in the wrong. Maybe the others were in the wrong? The other Deities were weak and had to work together to keep Vas under control. Obviously they were weak and were afraid how great everything would become if it was under Vas' control. In the end thier viewpoints were just to different, they both knew it would happen one day just neither of them expected it to come so fast. It was clear he loved the other male and it was clear the other male loved him. like a bad Shakespear play thier worlds collided.


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