


3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info






they/them, doesn't mind he/him

Created On

March 16, 2020


They just came to me in a flash...



Arrowroot is laid-back, if you're being generous. They really just seem to lack much interest at all for the world around them and prefer to just chill at their place. They're on a rather self-destructive path, both putting themselves in danger for self-imposed dares (such as popping their whole ARM off) as well as going out at any hour in the night for a drink. They have a hard time caring for themselves. However, as much as they try not to, they do have a soft spot for others and their own sense of justice. They sometimes unintentionally begin to mother those who aren't doing so swell despite their own obvious lack of self-care.

Their soul is purple with an unnatural black to it. They are also 5'2.


Arrowroot has a mixed bag of abilities almost entirely dependent on how they roll their die. They use their ability by infusing their magic with a pair of dice and rolling- One for the ability, the other for amount of power/accuracy. They can do much the same with a coin, but the potential is extremely limited. They summon their scythe by essentially kicking it up from the grounf.

Living Style

Arrowroot lives in some trailer park that isn't too pretty but ehhhhhh they don't really care. They have a minimalist life style for the most part- A dresser, a bed, tv table, tv... There isn't much there aside from their drawers of dusty die sets and guitar leaning in the corner. They barely even have pots anymore. Whether or not they're home just really depends- Sometimes they'll lay in bed all day, others they'll go to a bar and drink. You know. Good times.


  They decided to join Sassafras on a whim. They'd do anything if their dice landed on it. (Seems like it could be plausible...)


Arrowroot spends a lot of time on social media, mostly sticking to Instagram and Twitter. On their lazy days, they either spend all their time in bed or watch Netflix. At one point they played guitar and collected interesting die sets, but those haven't been touched in a while. Also- Arrowroot the spice is used for gambling spells, apparently. It's funny because I didn't know until after I made the character.