Hunter Tolvson



3 years, 6 months ago


Hunter Tolvson
Human (Kraaho ancestry)


Loud • Kleptomaniac • Cocky • Witty

Hunter is a generally untrustworthy character who is able to steal your phone right in front of you in plain sight of everyone without anybody realizing it was him. He is very reluctant in doing work unless it benefits him in someway, though he does make exceptions depending on the person whose asking, whether they are somebody close to him... Or is incredibly scary to him. However, under his cocky and arrogant face lies a damaged and depressed individual who still hasn't gotten over the passing of his blood related mother and younger siblings. As a result, he tries to fill the empty void with material possessions, but he might just find his new family instead.


  • Playing video games
  • Akhio, his best friend
  • Food, especially the "Cheesepocalypse"
  • Pulling practical pranks


  • Chores
  • Getting caught
  • The Yuuki mom stare
  • The Alphatrix not cooperating
"Yuuki won't ever find out about this. Now, let's go take her jet out for a joy ride!"


• Hunter is street smart. He excels in an urban environment. Having grown up on a planet literally called “The Dump” a planet where it was a wasteland and roaming with criminals from all over the universe, his childhood depended on his ability to adapt and survive. Before gaining his watch, he survived on essentially only his wits and his improvisation for survival. Though Hunter may not amount to anything in pure combat skills, his ability to think on his feet has gotten him out of many improbable situations and still does to this day, which makes him a clever and resourceful fighter (not that it shows with how much he brute forces things with his alien forms). He uses these skills to avoid Yuuki, which pisses her off.

• Due to his Kraaho ancestry (which shows itself in the markings on his cheeks), he is extremely flexible and agile, able to twist himself into shapes only professional contortionists could manage. This is what allows him to be an excellent escape artist, capable of using this flexibility to escape from all sorts of traps. However, also due to his Kraaho ancestry, he has a lower resistance to lower temperatures, and gets cold easily. So he steals Yuuki’s sweatshirts to keep warm, which also annoys her sometimes.

• Hunter is a master thief, cultivated through years of surviving on his home planet. This has led to development of skills such as lock-picking, escapology, and a bit of hacking. Hunter on his own, is capable of pulling off difficult heists, and gets away scot-free in the process. This has resulted in his kleptomania, however, and he consistently steals things from people in DS, much to Yuuki’s displeasure.

• Forced to learn fast in his harsh environment, Hunter can pick up new skills fast and learn from his mistakes fairly easily. Unless it’s around Yuuki, in which case he just seems adamant to always defy her in some way.

• Hunter has a silver tongue. Despite his kind of rough exterior, he’s surprisingly a very convincing and persuasive individual, which makes him a great conman. Hunter uses these skills to also worm his way out of situations. Including Yuuki, which is very vexing for her, because she caves so easily, cause it’s Hunter.

• Hunter has a speshul watch here.

His over-reliance on his watch irritates Yuuki sometimes, which was why she kicked him off to Eiria with Vera to work on not using the watch as much.


Hunter is fun-loving, just like his best friend Akhio. A cocky and brash young man--teenager, really, and is always getting into trouble someway or another, much to his teammates’ annoyance. Hunter’s endeavors can range from mundane to the extreme, but he’s always looking for a challenge, whether to take the boredom away or whether he simply wants to have some fun. The messes that he and Akhio get up to are borderline chaos, and there’s never a dull moment when he’s around. His quick wit helped him stay alive on the streets, and it still helps him get out of tight spots nowadays, whether it be from Yuuki’s wrath or an enemy’s clutches.

He is a bit of a kleptomaniac, which means that anything he sees that he wants, he will do everything within his power to make it his (whether it be objects from strangers, or even his teammates). He will unapologetically (for the most part) steal from others, but he does make an effort to steal from criminals and unsavory people. This stems from his thieving days when living on The Dump, when thieving was the only thing he could do just to survive another day. It’s become so ingrained to him that stealing is literally a habit he can’t break. Food and electronics are usually what he steals. However, Hunter harbors a deep sadness and grief from the loss of his mom and his siblings, and tries to fill an empty, gaping void inside of him with material goods. Not that it works, but Hunter so desperately wants to believe in it that he’ll try anyway. Because he grew up a thief all his life.







Akhio [ best friend ]

Bestest bud :).


Yuuki Hatake [ boss (mom) ]

New mom.

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