Morning Star



3 years, 7 months ago


Morning Star

"Don't worry, I got this!!"

Nickname Morn
Gender Female
Species Eelum
Pact Status Active
All common
Theme Unwritten
Designer AcyFaust & CookieDear
Masterlist [dA]


‣ Morn is spunky, cheerful, and kind of naive towards the world. She's energetic and quick to find the positives in any situation. Not a lot can get her down and she's stubborn about staying optimistic. She's generally very agreeable, but can be aggressive in her obstinance. She doesn't like to be proven wrong and will mulishly ignore facts if she thinks that she can argue her way into being right.
‣ She is very curious about anything and everything. Morn will get as up close and personal to new experiences as she can. Sometimes this backfires and she learns the hard way when she needs to keep her distance, but that never keeps her from closely investigating the next interesting thing that she comes across. She relies on both her master and her mentor for advice and knowledge (but will still get herself into trouble if she doesn't properly heed warnings).
‣ Morn is considered very young for an eelum, which is usually the excuse given for her behavior. She's mentally and emotionally at the equivalent of a human teenager (13-15 years) and sometimes embarrasses her companions with awkward interactions. She does daydream quite a bit and neglects to play much mind to tedious tasks.


‣ She always fantasized about getting her first contract and was very enthusiastic about training to one day be useful to her future master. When the summon finally came for her, Morn responded so eagerly that she almost caused the ritual used to backfire. Her master Lucien was just a young adult who didn't expect the ritual to work, but the two of them were quick to agree to simple terms. They were trained by a pair of mentors, a wise old summoner and his contracted eelum, Sundance. Morn spent a lot of one-on-one training time with Sundance, who was especially tough on her. She decided that she didn't like him very much at all, but she and Lucien became fast friends while bonding over their individual trials.
‣ Part of Morn's contract required her help to break the control of an evil-minded warlord over Lucien's hometown. After much pestering on her part, she managed to convince their mentors that they were ready to fight. While the operation was ultimately successful, the warlord escaped, and the summoner was fatally wounded during the encounter. Morn became acutely aware of the risk of losing her master to danger and that fear caused her to become more protective of Lucien. Sundance continued to travel with the pair of them as they hunted for clues to the warlord's whereabouts. Although she wanted to be mad at him for being even harsher during their training, Morn felt a lot of sympathy for Sundance because of the loss of his master. She started making attempts to befriend him, all of which seemed to either end neutrally or negatively.
‣ Morn is still traveling with Lucien and Sundance; she and Lucien behave much like siblings in that they get along great most of the time. Every now and again, they have very childish fights (which are usually started or worsened by Morn herself). Sundance acts as both teacher and reluctant parent to both of them, and Morn does her best to treat him respectfully (when she's not in the mood for mischief).


‣ Her abilities are varied, and her magic is just starting to mature. She has shown an affinity for ghost fire, which is basically fire that burns at freezing temperatures. Morn is also developing an interest in stealth-related skills, especially the creation of fog, mist, or simple illusions to keep herself hidden in order to approach a target unseen.
‣ She is exceptionally flexible and has a speedy recovery time. Even when she does take a hit, she's learned to move with it so that the damage is lessened. Morn is the type who will go to a lot of effort to defeat enemies without them ever seeing her. However, if she's spotted, she tends to abandon all plans and simply throw herself into combat. This leads to a lot of messy and uncoordinated fights, often throwing off all of her allies' strategies.
‣ Eventually, Morn will discover that her skills are at their best during twilight hours or bad weather. Darkness will emphasize the strength of her magic, both at night or when in she's in dark shadows.


‣ "Morning Star" is the name she started using when she accepted her first contract. She spent much of her childhood coming up with possible aliases for herself and that one was her favorite. She had always thought of it as "the last star in the sky at dawn" and later learned that it's also the name of a weapon. (This fact only made her think that she was so much cooler.)
‣ If she did ever use a morning star as a weapon, she would probably give herself a concussion. Morn is not well-coordinated with weapons, especially those that have any sort of moving parts. She has hit herself in the face when she was left unsupervised with a pair of nunchucks in the past.
‣ Her attention span during lectures is approximately three and a half minutes. Anything longer than that inevitably leads to her losing focus.
‣ She cannot get enough of clothes. She has zero fashion sense and will literally wear anything just because she saw it on someone else. This often leads to some awkwardly mismatched outfits. Lucien picks out most of her appropriate clothing, but she doesn't always cooperate with what her gives her.
‣ Morn doesn't like taking baths and will protest when she's forced to them. But once she's in the water, she hates to get out of it and will inevitably stay until the water gets cold and she ends up complaining about how uncomfortable it is.
‣ She's really just a big baby.
‣ Original design: base by Silhh, lines by AcyFaust, color by CookieDear.