Renku (My Hero Academia AU)



Name: Renku

Nickname: Ren

Hero Name: Cotton Cat

Age: 16

Personality: Quite, shy, anti-social, creative,

Likes: Sweets, sour candy, pandas, foxes, cats, reading, drawing, sewing

Dislikes: Bugs, strawberries, cold, the limelight, mornings

Quirk: Cotton Life - Can give sentience to anything filled with cotton

Quirk Info:

  • Has to touch item
  • Stuffed item takes on personality of their form (meaning some don't listen to her)
  • Puts items in battle dolls for better fighting 
    • EX. weights in an All Might doll, taser in a Chargebolt doll, speaker in Present Mic doll...
    • Bombs in generic battle dolls
  • Can only have 5-7 items active at one time (depends on size)
  • Items can only be - ft (- m) away from here


  • Makes most of her own dolls 
  • Never seen without at least one plushie
  • Carries other plushies and stuff in a plush bunny bag
  • Has dolls, filling, cloth, threads, and weapons in her bags
  • Only at AU cause of a friend.


*Set after Deku became a hero, so things might change