Emmett Parish



7 years, 2 months ago


Widower - Annulment by death. 

Bara baby for life. Stocky - Mesomorphic body.  Cocky personality, very self aware that he's attractive.

Wears a cross around his neck, stolen from Kazimeras back when he was a priest, a token of their binding and the Demons corruption of his soul.

Scars cover the majority of his body, The most prominent on his face from his left cheek to his right eye. A large vertical scar in the middle of his chest over his heart.

He has two striped tattoos on each bicep, a thicker one higher up and a thinner one below. like so (They are spaced a little further apart, however.)

A forrest tattoo on his left wrist - like so

Emmett is from the seventh line of sentinels to be created, in roughly the year 500 earth time, a set of ten identical demons who exist to maintain the balance between heaven and hell, in their own jurisdiction as peacekeepers with free decision making on their tasks, with limited intervention from neither heaven nor hell. Though, they do technically answer directly to Mephistopheles, as the only Demon with more power than the Sentinels, he is their only 'Boss.' Of course they don't always listen to his commands directly. The order ranking of the sentinels starts at Ten, being the most powerful, and down to One, being the least. Originally Emmett was supposed to be sentinel number Seven, third in line, but upon creation was found to be bigger in size than both Sentinels Eight and Nine, immediately becoming the Ninth, and second in command. The Sentinels main purpose is to prevent catastrophic or potentially world ending disasters from happening with minimal causalities to human life. Most often than not this includes the eradication of Rogue Angels or Demons who venture to the surface to cause havoc. Sentinels are sometimes dispatched into war zones if the conflict is getting too out of hand, finding a peaceful or if not, quick solution to the battles with the best interest of which side would be better in the long run to be victorious. 

The sentinels are highly intelligent, and very adapt to almost all forms of combat. In their natural forms, the Sentinels have a very dull grey skin, and black obsidian armor clings to their body as if it was an exoskeleton, forming to their figure. Because of this thick layer of armor, they are not as fast as some other demons may be, but they are quite the hulking brute, nearly sixteen feet tall. Like all supernatural beings in my universe, they wield their souls as their weapons, taking on the various forms to fit each specific sentinels needs. Emmetts particularly, is a massive scythe dubbed 'World Breaker' for it's ability to rip through the fabric of reality and open portals to any place on the world (or underworld) that he pleases. A fiery orange eye is embedded in the top hilt of the scythe, matching the color of his eyes when he is in his sentinel form. The scythes' eye will follow movement, as if sentient. 


"Human"(can be drawn with or without horns.); | One | Two | Three | Four

Demons; | One | Two | Three |

Extras : Corruption | Oriental |