Satine Le Fleur



3 years, 7 months ago


Manuscript - Satine

'Goddamn right you should be scared of me'


Name: Satine le Fleur

   Age: 20

   Gender: Female 

  Species: Horse x Unicorn

   Affinity: n/a
Talent: n/a

Real World Equivalent: Ahkal Teke
Color: Blood Bay
Orientation: Bisexual Polyamorus
Height: 17hh
General Olivia Armstrong

Theme Song(s):
   Control; Halsey
Everybody Wants to Rule the World; Lorde

Faction: Magnolia
Rank: Mask
Residence: A semi large home. With her father, who now works as her personal blacksmith, forging new and improved weapons for her jobs. 

Even creating poisons. 

Cover: Daughter of a blacksmith

Parents: Mother (killed by my own hand)
 Father (Alive, my mentor and business partner)
Siblings: Brother (Deceased)
Mate(s): OPEN
Children: None Yet
Friends: OPEN
Chloe : Saluki (F)
Lucifur : Doberman (M)


What's a bit of mystery from the woman who lays with you? Somethings shouldn't be either feared or trusted
If theres ever a job that's gone bad or I need a quick escape I love to play the consort who found my targets dead or walk out with pride, because no one suspects the ladies of the night to do such a thing~
A Lone Worker:
Other than my pets, I work alone, no one wants a side mare attending to a target who has a mistress, no one needs that
Highly Observant:
In order to fully understand my targets and how they tick, I love to look through every nook and craney, one must be prepared if they are found out
I hate some lords and ladies who constantly look down on others and abuse their power. Its makes me sick.
If you don't listen to my orders in bed, you won't get anything from me.
You have to be smart in my line of work.


I grew up in a broken family, my father an assassin, my mother a Lord, My mother was loving to a point, once she learned my father's occupation. She divorced him almost immediately.
She was once a target for my father, but he refused because he still loved her. But her ideals were against his. I lived with my father after I turned 12, because my mother got irritated because I was becoming more beautiful than her, she never understood, why would she; Lady Arriellena was becoming insurperior to her own daughter. She sent me away to live with my father. I lost all of my status. But I thought better and became strong from within, I may be a beauty, but I can also become the beast.
As a young adult now, I work for those who can afford me. If only you can, if not I refuse the job. A girl's gotta eat. There is no love, Love is just a Game.
If I ever do fall in love... it will be with the right person.
Joining the Masks was my father’s idea. Since he was one. I’ve never experienced true anguish until my mother was my first ever target, the Mask’s wanted her dead for some reason *shrug* I can see why, to prove myself. It was emotionally difficult, But I managed. Everything changed after that. After I spilled my mothers own blood. After I had to get away without being seen. After I was finally accepted into this rank.. I cried. It was the turning point of my life. I would never be one of the normal people ever again. 

I was now a Mask.. a creature of the night, and sworn into only doing as my contractor asked of me. It’s a job.. but now it’s my life.

Character (c) amalthea2010
Art (c) Vitia4mo