Kaidou Kawahara (Haikyuu!! Au)



2 years, 10 months ago


NOTE: this character is still being conceptualized, so information is limited.
Kaidou Kawahara I 川原海導





5'9 I 179.8cm

May 17th 1994

Karasuno High School


School Year
Third Year




Kaidou is seen as a mature older brother to most who meet him. A third-year at Karasuno High School and captain of the Tennis team; To his team, he's more laid back, coming off as more of a vice-captain than anything. Though he can be serious when needed, his leadership skills shining through on the Tennis court. Outside of the court, he's a bit more anxious, worrying about his appearance and how he comes off to people. He can also be seen as a bit more oblivious, unable to catch subtle cues with some things. But in summary, he's seen as a kind guy who maybe worries himself to death a little bit.









  • Nature
  • Green Tea
  • Vinyl Records


  • Studying Alone
  • Lukewarm Coffee
  • His Uniform Jacket

He's a decent student but admits he can be better. He doesn't get the best grades and can be found daydreaming during class. He doesn't tend to study, saying he has too much going on to find the time. It's mostly an excuse, as he tends to like studying with others, as he can't really focus on his own. He tends to spend time with his team and bandmates the most, despite the many girls who want to be with him. He gets confessed to frequently and is trying to figure out why that is- because he's interested in men.



Kaidou grew up in a well off family in Japan. He's lived there as long as he could remember, and still does. He grew up with almost everything any kid wanted, admitting he was spoiled rotten- Well, still spoiled- But only to an extent! His life had next to no downsides in it as he went into his second year of primary school. But in that year his uncle and aunt had died in a tragic accident which resulted in two new people joining his home. His youngest cousin, Chuya Ikeda, who was six years old at the time; And Reina Ikeda, twelve at the time. He didn't quite grasp the concept of death until the funeral, along with his cousin's parents never coming back to take them home. However, the girls were not treated well by his mother. Due to the verbal and physical abuse his cousins suffered at the hands of her, he began to fear her and worry about how he comes off to her. He is afraid of what will happen if he disappoints her or does something she doesn't like.

High School Years

With Kaidou's upbringing, you'd expect him to go to a more prestigious and well-off school. Truth is, he likes Karasuno because it's tiny and much more quaint and calm. He'd prefer to attend a school where he can recognize almost everyone's faces instead of an overcrowded one.. though he mainly joined because of the uniform. It's comfortable and a bit more casual, something comfy to nap in during class! As previously stated his grades were average for the most part, but he did excel in classes that interested him. Even so, he mostly buried himself in after-school activities like the tennis club and his band. During his school years, he'd discovered he was gay but was too afraid to seek out a relationship himself. Though, he always found himself pining for boys who were either out of his league or were pining over someone else themselves.

Future/Present Day

Now a twenty-four-year-old adult, he'd graduated college two years beforehand with his bachelor's degree in Journalism and Marketing. He's employed at Hiromi Ichiki's company as a Product Marketing Manager. His job is to work with products, sales, and marketing strategies to promote Ichiki's products in memorable and meaningful ways. Kaidou can express himself freely at this job, respected by anyone who works with him. He has also managed to keep up a long-term relationship with people he can see his future with, no longer afraid of what the future holds.


  • His favorite color is mint and sage green.
  • It takes him an hour minimum to get ready to go anywhere.
  • His room is covered in plants which he takes good care of.
  • He's a natural blond, his mother being British and his father being Japanese.
  • He enjoys music from all over the world, and has a vinyl collection he updates often.



Kaidou had been in love with him since his first year of high school, only able to confess in his third year. The relationship has been long term and Kaidou is ready to take the next step.. he's just waiting for the perfect moment is all!


They got together in the beginning of their third year. Kaidou didn't think it was going to work out as both of them had shown interest in someone else. To his surprise the both of them then ended up falling for each other properly, and are still together.

Chuya Ikeda Youngest Cousin

Lost connection in middle school but got to know each other again in his last year of high school. Always cheers her on when he can. He's very proud of her and is impressed with how good of a volleyball player she's become!

Reina Ikeda Oldest Cousin

Has assured him that everything that happened to her and her sister wasn't his fault. They're decently close now and he enjoys her company. Views her as a semi-older sister and loves babysitting her kids when he gets the chance. (He wants one so bad!)

Hiromi Ichiki Boss/Best Friend

Known only as a friend of Chuya's for a while, she offered him the job at her company. They grew closer as co-workers and he visits her often. He loves to look after her kids too, lamenting that he's afraid Kōshi won't want kids since he's around them so much.