


nb #1016

#F6E5DD #E5D5BB #A88A64 #C48A4E #8B5E3D
#652D20 #71AAB5 #648894 #556984 #263658

Name Emmett
gender male (he/him)
age 25
birthday -
sexuality -
relationship status single
breeding slots 3/3
occupation -
recidence an apartment with Bee


colour yellow & all natural greens
flower daisy
plant huge oaks
animal rhinos
food -
beverage smoothies
sandwich -
music genre -
smell orange
sound -
quote -


  • swimming
  • green smoothies
  • organic, fair trade food
  • recycling
  • reusable coffee cups


  • swimming pools
  • eating meat
  • bananas

Emmett aspires to live his life in the most healthy and eco-friendly way possible. He has a great love for the environment and nature in general and loves donating his spare money and time to causes that help protect the Earth. Emmett takes good care of his body by practicing yoga daily and trying his best to only eat organic, vegan food whenever he can (and has the willpower to say no to delicious take out and sugary smoothies).

Emmett is pretty energetic and always has a million projects he's working on, ranging from obscure art installations to organizing non-violent protests and trying out new meditation practices. Spirituality is very important to him and he always lets his heart to guide him in his decisions - which sometimes leads to poor choices with for example quitting a new job he just "has a bad vibe about" and ending up unemployed once again or spending money on a whim. Despite this, Emmett has great plans for his future and once he decides on something he really gives the project his all.










roommate / friend

Emmett and Bee usually fight a lot about stuff like cleaning and their clashing lifestyles but they both still enjoy living together. They've known each other for almost two decades and at this point nothing could ever separate these best friends.

friend / neighbor

Emmett and Benji live in the same building so they often host movie nights and such together. They often play video games together, even if Emmett is really bad at them. Emmett likes Benji's calm and patient personality.

friend / neighbor

Remy and Emmett have a lot in common - they both appreciate the simple things in life, like nature walks and good, healthy vegan food. They often spend time together just the two of them, sitting on the roof of their apartment building chatting away.

friend(?) / neighbor(?)

To be honest, Emmett doesn't really like Gabriel a lot. The dude's weird and keeps crashing at Emmett's friends' place without paying rent or contributing to the household in any way.

pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns