

3 years, 7 months ago



AGE: t4irty-ni9999 (09/16//980)
PRONOUNS: one/██es thon/t//-?
GENDER: nonbinary
EYE CLR: black
HAIR CLR: auburn
HEIGHT: 5 ft 8 in
WEIGHT: ~170 lbs
LOCATION: lake superior
FACILITY: site 16
CLEARANCE: class c, nominally level 2
DEPARTMENT: memetics


  • humorous
  • cautious
  • perceptive
  • diligent
  • resolute


  • pessimistic
  • jaded
  • bitter
  • aloof


  • dispassionate
  • sarcastic
  • blunt
  • stubborn

> Info

??//6l;?? has been employed by the Foundation for t;;!ve years. One has a master's degree in sociology, and after significant occupational training and experience, has a safe position as a researcher in the Department of Memetics and Infohazards. One specializes in memetic spread and epidemology.

One was permanently altered by an incident with a then-undocumented infohazard. It destroyed all records and memory of one's name, and dramatically altered how one is perceived and remembered. Most saliently, it's difficult-to-impossible to make out one's distinctive or identifying features, and difficult to remember distinctive habits or behaviors. One would be easy to overlook anywhere else. The researcher perceives oneself normally, and lost none of one's own memories.

Due to one's anomalous nature, the nameless researcher is not allowed to leave Site 16 under any circumstances. However, one is not contained and still works for the Foundation. One's antimemetic infection can only spread under specific and controllable circumstances (learning one's name), so one is not considered an active hazard.

> Info, cont.

Delphi would be lying if thon said thon wasn't a little bitter about the whole thing. Thon's lonely and isolated, and in thon's pseudo-containment, thon doesn't have much of a life outside of work. Thon is still devoted to the Foundation - the twelve years under thon's belt attest to that, and thon still genuinely believes they're all doing important work to protect the world - but... thons perspective has definitely changed. Delphi was always kind of a workaholic, but in absence of much else to do, thon has become even more deeply immersed in thon's work. The, uh... possible oncoming apocalypse is a good motivator, anyway.

After a few months of being poked by memeticists and antimemeticists, and then a few more of being poked by conceptual scientists and semiologists, thon has kind of given up hope of thon's whole "being a low-grade antimeme" thing being undone. The Foundation understands what happened well enough to know they have no fucking idea how to fix it.

Before getting the SCPF's metaphorical business card, thon was a sociologist with a particular interest in human behavior; thon's move into memetics and epidemology is no surprise, in that context. Like a lot of hires, Delphi was starting to see disruptions in how thon understood the world, and the Foundation decided thon was skilled enough to give a chance at actually studying those disruptions.

If thon's being honest, thon was never exactly popular or remarkable - thon's a run-of-the-mill memeticist, more or less, and if anything, thon's less aloof than before - but thon was liked and respected. A lot of people avoid or ignore thon, these days. It's not obvious, no-one ever makes it obvious, but being perceptive comes with the job. It stings.

> Trivia

>> Officially marked as a Charon-class anomaly, a containment class reserved specifically for anomalous staff.

>> One's circadian rhythm is kind of fucked, partly from infrequent sunlight, partly from years of habitually missing sleep.

>> Goes to the upper portions of Site 16 semi-regularly to sit in the windows.

>> Started publically identifying as nonbinary six years ago. Came out as transfeminine two years later.

>> Has a particular scholarly interest in the possible prevalence of "cryptic anomalies" and natural generation of anomalous memes.

>> Had at least one partner at the Foundation. Maybe two. Neither relationship lasted, unfortunately.

>> Used to participate in fishing competitions. Enjoys being on boats. The only person on Earth who thinks they look good in waders.

>> Officially has Level 2 security clearance, but because of thon's exact specialty, thon gets read into higher-level projects relatively frequently. A big part of memetic epidemology is predicting the spread or area-of-effect of an infohazard so field agents and containment staff can move in; to do that effectively, you need to know all the details of how it functions and its current extent.

>> Has taken plenty of self-defense classes, just like almost everyone at the Foundation. Has the clearance to handle non-lethal basilisks and jokes about flashing them on people to get out of obligations.

>> Probably dyes one's hair.

>> Drinks a lot of coffee.

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