Marciana Laurentius. (Codex: Characters)



Codex entry: The Hunter of Vyrantium


I have arrived in Vyrantium to seek information regarding our target. For as quick of the people here are to speak of her feats- eliminating an entire Antaam unit, bringing an ogre to its knees with a single shot, sending an arrow through a slaver's neck while he escaped on the back of a dracolisk- few seem to know anything more of the so-called "Hunter of Vyrantium" than rumors.

I began my search on the outskirts of the city, hoping to catch a game hunter or traveling merchant who might have information of more substance, when I stumbled across a most helpful lead. A loud, quite foul-smelling little smith who informed me with the utmost pride that he knew the Hunter better than anyone in Vyrantium. He was a remarkably dull fellow- likely had no idea why I possessed such an interest in her, but what he revealed with only some light questioning was certainly more than I expected to find on my first day in this wretched city- that the Hunter has a brother, a laetan studying under a Magister in Minrathous. If this is true, discovering her identity and putting an end to her "antics" will be easier than we ever could have imagined.

I have agreed to meet the smith and his wife for dinner tonight in the hopes of procuring more information. I pray his wife's hands are cleaner than his- I don't think even the most sacred of fire could lift the grime from my hand after shaking his."

- Except from a letter sent to Magister Augustine Gallus from brother Florin Gallus.