


3 years, 7 months ago




Nickname N/A
Gender Male
Species Eelum
Pact Status Broken
Duck Tail (U)
No Horns
Theme pending
Designer AcyFaust & CookieDear
Masterlist [dA]


‣ Hero wannabe. Gage wants to save everyone he can, whether from outside dangers or from themselves. He's really good at fighting things off, but not so great at dealing with emotional or psychological issues. He really does mean the best; he's just terribly awkward and untrained in what the best actions may be.
‣ He has a deep-rooted fear of allowing his friends or masters to drift down the wrong path. Corrupted eelum make him exceptionally nervous because he sees them as unstable and at risk of spreading evil vibes to others. He wishes that he knew a way to repair or heal the damage from becoming corrupted, but has never heard of any such recovery. Gage is especially afraid of someday becoming corrupted himself and frequently worries over whether or not his choices are good or bad.
‣ Constant scrapes/minor injuries from fighting, lots of little scars from always pulling off bandages too soon, definitely the kind to poke at old scabs. (Baby please stop fighting everyone you gonna hurt yourself.)
‣ Forever bedhead. He's a little messy and scrappy at times, and doesn't really clean up all that pretty. Gage would like to be scarred and tough-looking, but he's not careless enough to allow himself any severe damage when fighting.


‣ Gage lost his horns by breaking his pact. He served a master who appeared to have all the best intentions at heart, but occasionally turned a blind eye to consequences of their choices. Gage dutifully did as he was told until he came to the abrupt realization that his actions may cause harm to innocents. He tried to talk his master out of something that could be harmful, but was unsuccessful. He kept a close eye on things and when it was clear that he couldn't both obey his master and keep from harming others, Gage chose to defy the instructions he had been given. The backlash of breaking his contract was losing his horns, but Gage has never regretted it because he feels that he made the right decision.
‣ He's sort-of not-really-friends with Cerise. She approached him with the thought that they may have something in common from their shared status of broken pacts, but their circumstances turned out to be too different to allow them to connect on that level. Gage just feels kind of awkward around her because she tried to share feelings of frustration and betrayal with him that he never really experienced. He does occasionally try to check in with her, just to make sure that she isn't giving in to the depression that she still feels from losing her horns. He's just not very good at knowing how to be supportive in the way that she needs.


‣ He wants to do it all, and has learned a little bit of everything... but it also means that he's very self-taught and far from an expert in any given area. Gage is exceptionally stubborn and hates to admit defeat. He'll fight in any way that he can, so long as he feels that he has a reason to keep going.
‣ Gage does have a talent for navigation and has a fantastic sense of direction and distance, as long as he's been there before. He can very easily navigate himself from one place to another. Map drawing and giving directions are also a sort of second nature to him.


‣ Sparkly shoujo eyes baby.
‣ The scratches on his face/body don't have to remain consistent. He will have visible scratches at almost any given time; they heal quickly, but he adds on new ones just as fast. As long as there are some scratches on him, the exact location doesn't matter.
‣ Gage may gain permanent scarring at some point in the future, but that is still up in the air and heavily reliant upon his story and interactions with others. Until further notice, he has no permanent scars.
‣ Original design: base by Silhh, lines by AcyFaust, color by CookieDear.