


3 years, 7 months ago




Nickname N/A
Gender Female
Species Eelum
Pact Status ???
Paper Talismans (R)
Neck Nazar (U)
Theme pending
Designer AcyFaust
Masterlist [dA]


‣ Black magic, potions, scrying spells, old forgotten text collector. Laveau is very interested in obscure types of magics, which may or may not have consistent results. She doesn't have special uses for most of what she's learned; she just likes hoarding the knowledge.
‣ Gothic spider themes. She really does like spiders, for many reasons (keep out annoying bugs, fascinating to watch, etc). While she isn't one to clean very often, she will occasionally clear out old cobwebs so that her current resident spiders will have space to construct fresh webs.
‣ Purposely speaks slow and melodic. Sounds like singing or chanting, depending on her mood. Can be somewhat scary when she's angry and in the mood to adopt a more demonic sounding voice.
‣ Great dislike of violence. The type who doesn't even like squishing bugs and will just relocate them if they're in the way.
‣ Sometimes gets caught up in creating potions that require a lot of time/patience and will forget to eat or shower or even generally care for herself. She unintentionally takes advantage of some well-meaning friends to keep her looking presentable, when the situation calls for it.


‣ Laveau has always found herself drawn to contracts where she can learn. She has frequently traveled to various worlds to discover their best libraries, and often offers a pact of safety and protection with owners, librarians, or other bookkeepers. In exchange for keeping the peace around the library, she is allowed full access to any books or documents that are contained within. Laveau likes to keep the same contract as long as possible, even if it means changing out who her master is. Her contracts typically end once she's gone through everything that she has access to, and then she returns to her home world in order to see what practical applications can come from her research.
‣ She has many times become so caught up in her learning that she sometimes forgets to care for herself and her home. Laveau met Danilo when she was being less careful with herself and he invited himself to tackle the mess that her hair had become. His involvement got her a little more interested in caring for her appearance, but she's not quite as meticulous as she ought to be.


‣ Exceptionally skilled with buff/debuff type skills. She will power up allies to end battle sooner, or else weaken enemies so that she can escape. Better yet, she is known to slow her enemies movements significantly through spells or traps before making a casual exit to somewhere safer.
‣ If she's forced to fight, she's very annoying to have as an opponent because she won't participate in any sort of straightforward challenge. She will dodge and evade with as little effort as she has to put in. Laveau prefers to give insult over injury and will mock her opponent with snide remarks. Where she does have the chance for an easy attack, she'll often use her staff or something from the natural terrain to deliver a quick blow. She doesn't ever deliver much damage; she just wants to prove that she can take an advantage of an opening if she feels like it.


‣ From Halloween 2020 Franken-Eelum event here.
‣ Design by AcyFaust; color options presented by CookieDear, Glyf, and Tenshii.
‣ Intended to have a Trixi familiar in the future.
‣ Her home is rather cluttered and appears to be a constant mess of unfinished projects; she knows exactly where everything should be at any given time and isn't capable of explaining her "organization" to anyone else.
‣ When left to her own devices, Laveau will completely neglect to style her hair. It's not uncommon for it to collect leaves, feathers, and various other loose objects when she's wrapped up in her projects and research. Danilo is responsible for most of her hair styling, and she will patiently sit through however long it takes him to detangle and fix it up. Laveau claims that she won't do it herself because she really likes his work, but the fact is that she's just too lazy to figure out how to do it herself and is only too happy to let someone else take care of it for her.