Soleil Penumbra



3 years, 7 months ago


Stare into the abyss and it might just bite you.

  • genderfluid disaster thing
    • usually just goes by sol regardless of form
    • extremely gay regardless of presented gender. its weird how that works, but it certainly does!
  • edgy as hell in both forms
    • eclipse/moon aesthetic
    • black, gray, red, and orange color palette w/ some silver and cream thrown in for flavor
    • horns, pointy ears, fangs (only visible when mouth is opened but theyre very much there), glowing eyes, the whole shebang
    • big black wings; feathers are iridescent like a crow's
  • fuckin goblin
    • hoards shiny things and despises the sun. despite being a fucking sun demon.
    • will actually set a phobe ablaze
    • just kinda lets dead people/ghosts chill around them
    • hisses at people nonstop, whether or not it's warranted
    • "demon is the next stage of evolution for all gay goth kids sorry i dont make the rules"
      • no its literally the (pen)ultimate stage of a soul's life cycle, short of reincarnation