


9 years, 1 day ago


Most first impressions of Ciro are that he has a holier than thou, better than you attitude. He seems like someone who cannot stand the "filth" of the earth and as if mingling among commoners is beneath him. In truth he is a bit sheltered, but that doesn't mean finds disdain for others... he just doesn't know how to act at all. He was brought up in a family where he was taught to be above the squabbling of other stardragon races and stay neutral, but in practice Ciro finds he is totally lost in interacting with other cultures of stardragons and extremely conflicted on staying neutral and out of the personal lives of others. He is trying his best to live up to the standards of behavior he was raised with, however personally he feels like a total failure at holding up those beliefs. 


I jumped at the chance to buy this guy since I really wanted a male starweaver. Now looking at him I am like "HOLY SHIT I got a sunset colored starweaver?! AAAAHHHHHHHHH" Sunsets are my favorite, man. XD