


3 years, 7 months ago


name: Apple

pronouns: they/them

species: temporal manifestation (formed like a canine/bee)

chronological order: SNB #1

time period: march 26, 2020 - november 5, 2020

song kin: sweet tooth by cavetown

entries: 235 entries

likes: music (specifically cavetown), minecraft, youtube, being alone at times, the woods, pastel colors, stickers, chocolate milk, symbolism

dislikes: arguing, deadlines, people

apple is a little buddy. they are very sweet & nervous & have a speech impediment so they can't talk very well. they enjoy humming though. they regret a lot of things about themselves & haven't known anything other than 2020 so they constantly live in fear of things that will happen. they find joy in little activities such as making little dishes of food or piles of aesthetically pleasing twigs & leaves. they enjoy a lot about nature & have a thing for smells & the vibes they give off. they like playing cottagecore minecraft & building little nice structures based off of tutorials. they also enjoy cavetown a lot. they like drawing paintings & collages of colour based off of what songs make them think of

apple is often worried about messing up & hurting people & doesn't really know what they're doing or what's going on. They regret a lot of things & don't know anything other than 2020 so they constantly think that everything will take a turn for the worst. They mostly watch youtube & walk in the woods & sing music to themself, but they are too self concious & worried to ever record themselves or sing to others. Has a lot of non-binary pride. Likes lemons & chocolate milk & apple juice.