


3 years, 5 months ago


He's a Mainecoon that loves going on adventures in which he likes to study the bugs and plants he comes across. Never lingers in one spot too long as to not get tempted to stay, he has met many other interesting creatures but he got the greatest shock when he once came to a halt at a zoo, a weird enclosure type deal set up by the humans which entraps exotic animals, the gorillas gave him a huge fright before he realised they were behind the bars and couldn't squash him flat with their mighty fists. He has trekked through anything from mountainous terrain, lush forests, to grasslands and only stops for bad weather, in which he'll set up camp in a natural shelter such as a cave or rocky outcropping. He has no real home or family, due to being dropped off on the streets of a poor village as a mere scraggly kitten, he has managed to get by just fine. Gordy doesn't remember how he acquired his beloved satchel, hat, and cloak it's overly possible some kind stranger gifted them to him, and they have served as his only and most helpful belongings for as long as he can remember. He also thoroughly enjoys watching Dora the Explorer when he stops long enough in one spot with a TV, Boots is his favourite.

Amazing person made the idea into a character for: 20gb

Spent on art: 14gb & 3000sb