


3 years, 7 months ago


Amélie Marie Deschamps
The Fabricated Bohemian
La Cité des Cloches
(Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Dual Ribbon Batons


Affectionate • Compassionate • Empathetic • Outgoing • Playful

Deceptive • Flighty • Petty • Sensitive • Selfish

A friendly Nobody who jumps at the chance of new things, Mexira loves nothing more than meeting new people or scouting a new world all out out of sheer curiosity. She holds a very Lasseiz-Faire mindset as she takes things in stride and ignoring the more serious matters in favor of frivolity and fun. Mexira has a habit of pretty forgetful which can make her come off as insensitive, but in truth its how she deals with heavier topics. However, there are a few things that she takes to mind when they are important and some of those she keeps in her non-existent heart.

Although she has the naive and innocent nature down pat and can come off as an airhead, there's more to her than meets the eye.. She's very complimenting, especially to those that reciprocate her kindness, but can be easily as petty to those she feels have wronged her or those she's held closest to her. Hellfire hath no fury like the grudge of this Parisian woman and she'll see that justice to no end.


  • The color Pink!
  • Pollux
  • Springtime
  • Fashion - Modern and Bohemian
  • Musicals
  • Dreameaters
  • Strawberries
  • Jazz & Pop Music


  • Fire
  • Salty foods
  • Cold Feet
  • Confined Spaces
  • Soldiers & Knights
  • Focusing on the past
  • Invasive personal questions.
  • Touching her hair without permission
"Live like everyday is your last one on this earth. Enjoy it all!"

Elemental Usage Fabric

Mexira can create and control fabric to her every whim. She usually relies on her weapon's ribbon to create more fabric from the existing textiles, with them and her skirts as a memory basis to create more similar to it's texture. The basic three fabrics of Wool, Silk and Cotton are easiest for her control while the more complex fabrics of nylon and wire can take more time for her to make. Over the course of years with this element under her belt, she's found a multitude of ways to use fabric which include:

Wrap Around

  • With enough fabric at her disposal (usually made of cloth or dense wool), Mexira creates layer upon layer as a cocoon around herself to take the brunt blow of attacks. It's a trial and error effort as she cannot guess the intensity of the attack and is always needing to make more. The cocoon softens the blow, but like any piece of cloth it's terribly weak against fire magic and would burn up like any article of clothing. Through the years of using this ability, she's made both padded armor for herself and her own clothing it's own breathable-and-movable armor.

Tie-Up Bind

  • One of her more well known attacks, Mexira elongates the fabric (usually from her weapons) to wrap around and tie up the opponent, or at least trip them up. She can also use this to tie against taller ledges, swinging from place to place.

Fabric Flail

  • By duplicating her ribbons, while the end pieces connect together into a staff, Mexira can slap the opponent easily providing enough force through her weapon. Have you ever been smacked by many towels at the same time? It sucks and stings. Like, really bad.

Constraining Corsets

  • Through recent discovery, she is able to utilize this tie-up bind skill to temporarily bind her opponent's own clothing--against themselves! She's limited by the necessity of touching the cloth that's wrapped around her target, however, and it's only through their own volition of being able to break free through the constraints. It can make for a mean tug of war of willpower between her and them.

Pets & Charms

🌹Primevère - Flowbermeow🌹

  • Shaped like a friend! Gives you a ride and gives you a DEF boost for a short amount of time!

🌹Rouge - Aura Lion🌹

  • Royal, elegant and fierce! This mighty lion can use its hefty paws in a wide radius to sweep up its enemies! For its final attack it jumps up into the air and dives back down like a meteor to decimate all around it.

💠Crème Brûlèe - Majik Lapin💠

  • Helpful trickster! Has a wild sense of humor and is more aggressive than other supports! It hops around the battlefield at random, damaging enemies and healing you if you're caught in it's path! The more it heals the less effective it will be as time goes on.


  • Daily Manager Charm: A charm that increases all of her stats by 1 blip. - Will be revealed in design [Promotion 2022]
  • Trinity Charm: Summons two afterimages of her closest allies to fight alongside her for a maximum of 10 minutes. [Opening Event 2018]
  • Weapon Transformation Charm: Transforms weapon into a bigger boosted version of itself for a maximum of 10 hits. [Capture the Flag 2019]
  • Pumpkinloon Charm: Summons PumpkinBalloons that burst on impact. [Halloween 2018]
  • Soul Slapper Charm: Turns weapon in to a stretchy slimey hand that extends 20ft to slap far away enemies for five minutes. 1-800-R-U-SLAPPING [Halloween 2019]
  • Heartless Charm Lvl 2:A charm that makes her look like a Soldier heartless to prevent regular heartless from afar to swarm her. Is more effective against weaker to Grunt type Heartless than stronger ones! [Won Halloween 2018-2019]
  • Water Charm Lvl 1 [Princess & the Frog]: Creates a small shield of water effective against 3 hits before going on cooldown.[Gifted by Ixmana]
  • Gravity Charm Lvl 1 [Mary Poppins]: Allows her the ability to hover or float above the ground for a five minute duration.


Voice Claim - Gugu Mbatha-Raw [Plumette]

• Her Lessers are The Vagabonds. They're usually seen dancing around with her when she summons them and the "leader" of their group is named Pierre.

• Is Pyrophobic; Candles and fireplaces are fine but anything beyond that fills her with fear.

• Distrusts soldiers and knights for a similar reason.

• Surprisingly a very good liar more than she leads others to assume.

• Her birthdate is June 21st - The Summer Solstice

• To distance herself further from her past life, her nobody name was taken from her middle name--Marie. She always refers to her past self as Marie these days and would rarely-if ever- divulge that she was Amélie.

• Big tiddy gf energy.


Born as Amélie Deschamps, a common young tailor's apprentice, she lived on the outskirts of Paris where even in the fields one could hear the dulcet tones of of Notre Dame's bells. She was quiet, demure and shy. Attended evening mass every afternoon, walked to and from the store to her home, keeping mostly to herself with her head down and out of trouble. Nothing special, no one important. Even in the shadow of the Tailor, who's praise was renouned by the local townsfolk within the city, even as the older woman took most--if not all of the credit when it was apparent that Amélie was growing stronger in her work as months passed. Amélie, however, lacked any and all confidence to argue, meek enough to accept the meager pay she recieved and lived through her life playing it safe.

But it wasn't enjoyable.

The Feast of Fools was Amélie's only reprieve and the one thing she only asked of her employer to attend each year. She found the glamorous and unhindered lifestyle of the gypsies to be enlightening! Careless and free, no responsibilities except for each other and every day was a new adventure for them. She missed them when they would travel outside of Paris but her eyes lit up every time the reappeared for the festivities and made it a point to go a little out of her way to spare a coin or two for them on her way back home. She envied their lifestyle, entertaining the idea of wanting nothing more than to join them, to see more than beyond Paris, free from her own path in life and where it was headed.

Whispers within Notre Dame's attendents began to flow into the streets of Paris. Judge Frollo's intent for hunting down the gypsies in Paris had reached to an unhealthy obsession to eriadicate them all. Amélie kept her head down and quietly moved along, worried for the vagabonds but too scared to do anything to help them. All she felt was a deep sadness that they would be found by the guards and burned for being no one but themselves, it didn't seem fair to her. However, as she came home she found a family of gypsies hiding out in her yard, Amélie realized she could do something to help. A little something to repay them for the joy they given her from their shows. So she hid them away in her house, working more hours with the Elderly Tailor to purchase more food to feed a house of one with five other strangers. They repaid her kindness with stories of their travels, the places they went to and the shows they did, even going as far as to teach her a few tricks of their trade as she used the skills from work to repair their clothes and make them seem a little nicer. It was during those times she felt more open and free like herself, even going as far as to use her middle name as a moniker along with the gypsies using countless aliases, and if she were honest with herself, "Marie" just sometimes had a better ring to it than "Amélie". Together they made a quaint little family, hiding from the Parisian Minister and the Palace of Justice.

Until one day Amélie came home and found her house burning to the ground with Frollo's soldiers finishing the job. They mocked at her and laughed, mentioning in passing that the Tailor in town gave them the heads-up of a family living out in the countryside, Amélie soon realizing that her master sold her out and the family. She rushed in, trying to find the family in desperation to get them out but the smoke and ash and heat all but consumed her--her fear, her hysteria. Only one member of the family was found still alive, a little boy crying as hard as Amélie was, and from their conjoined sadness did the Heartless appear--consuming both of their hearts.

Within the next morning after the Embers of Paris subsided into a smoldering ash over the city, Amélie awoke as someone new. She felt lighter, carefree, but airheaded and confused. However as time passed and she induldged in life's pleasures, she came to the conclusion she'd take her new life in stride and run away from her past for the future ahead, not as Amélie anymore but as Mexira.

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