


3 years, 7 months ago


Xue the Panda
The Sardonic Sweet-Tooth
The 100 Acre Wood (Winnie the Pooh)
Honey Dipper


Assertive • Astute • Chill • Witty

Blunt • Hedonistic • Sarcastic • Vindictive

Small and cuddly as she is, upon first impressions, Euxx is the furthest thing from. While she is laid back and a chill nobody to be around, she speaks what's on her mind with no filter or regard for others feelings. Sometimes this causes amusement and sometimes it causes discourse with her being the instigator of the fight. Rarely to take initiative, she lets things slide by her and continue on their own track, as long as she's able to watch the burning aftermath that arises, of course. She does have her sweeter moments, but like with all things sweet, there's another shell one needs to get through to unlock the sugar inside.

All in all she's pretty much a chill nobody that has her moments of vindication. Need to take the sour with the sweet with her depending on her mood.


  • Warm Lazy Afternoons
  • Honey
  • Gardening
  • Bees
  • Nightmares
  • Naptime
  • Food


  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Intensive Exercise
  • Meat-heavy foods
  • Paperwork
  • Dreams (the color palette)
  • Crocodile tears
  • Self righteous Health Fanatics
"Fuck them kids."

Elemental Usage

Euxx has the ability to summon and wield honey in it's liquid state, moving it for defensive purposes and provide minor regenerative health and status ailments. At it's core, Honey is slow and sluggish, so while not normally used for offense it makes up for it in being a barrier in slowing down incoming projectiles and softening the blows of large attacks. Note: She cannot summon large waves of honey yet, the most she is able to control is close to three bathtubs full.

Sweet Surge

  • She can summon a large amount of honey to surf on for aided speed and distance. This technique also doubles as a malleable sticky block against incoming projectiles. Besides that, it's just outright sticky and a mess to get caught in.

Honey Comb Cells

  • A new ability with the level up to Sergeant, she can solidfy her honey into honeycombs as a more durable piece of defense against stronger attacks. After 3 hits the honeyblockade begins crumbling back to liquid.

Honey Heal

  • By ingesting the honey or putting it on directly like a salve, she can heal minor cuts, bruises, welts and protect against weaker poisons (or in our world, against bacteria infection).

It should be worth noting that her fighting style outside of elemental use is hard and heavy--Euxx enjoys swinging the honey-dipper like a bat while pushing all her weight into the swing.

Pets & Charms

B.C. "Biggie Chungus" - Kooma Panda🐼

  • Despite his nightmare motif he's actually an affectionate pet and gives big warm hugs!


  • Soul Slapper Charm - Turns weapon in to a stretchy slimey hand that extends 20ft.
  • Light Charm Lvl 1 [Encanto] - Gives off a bright, brilliant, flash for distraction, can be used up to 3 times before going on cooldown. (Gifted by Xomasu).


Voice Claim - Lake Bell

• Her Lessers are The Busy Bees

• November 2nd is her birthday.

• Retains her huggable features in human form, even squeaking when hugged too tight.

• Always smells like honeysuckle.

• Her handwriting is atrocious but she's very skilled with computers and texting.

• Despite her lazy attitude for most things, she is an active gardener.

• Her first word was "FUCK" the minute she was freed from the child-proof book.


Xue the Panda lived in a honey tree with the bees, but they had a symbiotic relationship. She didn't bother them and would maintain the flowers nearby the tree, and the bees would pollinate the flowers into fruits and veggies for Xue to eat and they didn't bother her. It was nice, it was peaceful. All except for one little thing:.

Winnie the Pooh.

The silly ol' bear may have enchanted the other critters of The Acre Wood, but not Xue. At most she found him aggrivatingly simple and to the very leasy, she viewed him as a constant nuisance to her beloved neighbors--the bees. Reasoning with him never worked as things would go through on ear and out the other of his little brain, and on top of everything, Pooh Bear, in her eyes, was outright selfish with no regard to their other neighbors.

But what she found most appalling is that the others would let Pooh continue this lifestyle on. Even Rabbit, who complained as much as she did! Maybe she was just being too sensitive, then, and needed to see things from a different perspective...

Sadly that would never happen. As the dumb Pooh Bear made Xue fall out of her napping tree one too many times in his pursuit to steal more honey, it was the tipping point for her. Her Anger and her frustration were enough to summon heartless to the 100 Acre Wood and as a few pages scattered out of the book, they claimed her heart. She awoke cranky not too long after and was displaced out of her world into another-- The world of San Fransokyo. As she cautiously explored the city she came across a man within one of the ally ways [edit here after talking to Jellie] She found the man weird and went off to figure out this new life...only to walk right back to him and drag him along since it looked like he knew more about this world than she did. It seemed the world she knew as a panda-bear was a lot smaller as opposed to the world of Heroes and Technological advances. Eventually the two were recruited by two members of the Organization Infinitus, she took on the name of Euxx and vowed a long, slow brewing revenge. Against that Book and that Dumb Ol' Bear.

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