


3 years, 7 months ago


Totem Mountain (Brother Bear)
Drive Form


Ambitious • Pragmatic • Spiritual • Wise

Tempered • Critical • Prideful • Serious

A stern woman whom bears no nonsense in what she does and can seem older than she appears to be, it's often joked that Citlali has the cantankerous patience of an 80 year old woman inside the body of a young lady. Very spiritual, she believes everything happens for a reason and usually decides that it was The Spirits' plan if another more logical explanation isn't present. However, she does have little patience and can be easily ticked by goofy fool-hardy jokesters. She doesn't find them worth her time and will usually leave them be. She has a tribal complex in that she's used to being the one that others go to for guidance which conflicts her current situation right now that she has to ask the others for help with her keyblade's powers. Which doesn't settle well with her at all. Her curiousity weighs out her personal pride heavily and she knows well enough to ask if she needs help. As a last resort, of course.

Basically: She's the Mom Friend™ that would still put you in time out but would defiantly fight the teacher for giving you an undeserving bad grade.


  • Smoking
  • The Northern Lights
  • Story-telling
  • Children
  • Animals
  • Tlaloc


  • Hot weather
  • Letting down her Village
  • Comical people
  • Being in the wrong
  • Overly sweet food
  • Boisterous people
"The spirits around us guide us to our destination and the little sidepaths we take in between."

Keyblade Borealis

The Northern Lights, this keyblade has a long reach and taps into magical potential. Weak to Fire, Resistant against water, it bonds well with its chosen wielder, aiding her in her own plight as her guiding light to the Keys of Dawn. It's keychain holds some importance as it is reminscent to the Beaver Totem of Diligence, a totem she was given once she was of age to recieve it.

Wisdom Form

  • By channeling her inner strength and refocusing into her magic, Citlali can change into the blue drive form of Wisdom that gives her near-mage powers. Her appearance takes on the same traditional outfits the brethern of her tribe would don once achieving enlightenment to be the next Shaman. The symbolism of this change is not lost on her.
  • Her fighting skill turns into long distance range, shooting magic bullets in lieu of hitting with her keyblade directly. In this form bursts of high tier magic may be used, but only with the certain charms she has aligned to her keyblade besides its basic form. The keyblade itself turns into a giant mage's staff--magically powerful but can still bonk pretty good.
  • Although her magic skill is high, it should be noting that due to her charm choices--her Ice, Light and Healing Magic are far more potent. Because of this she makes a deadly opponent that heals her allies in mid-battle. Per the rule of D&D--take out the mage and you take out your entire team.

Keyblade Charms

Light Charm [The Emperor's New Groove]

  • Gives off a bright, brilliant, flash for distraction, can be used up to 3 times before going on cooldown.

Ice Charm [Brother Bear]

  • Shoots off 3 blastss of ice and freezes enemies for a bit before a cooldown.

Healing Charm [Pocahontas]

  • Heals minor injuries [cuts, bruises, etc] three times before cooldown.


Voice Claim - Tia Carrere

• Her birthday is April 20th

• Her totem is The Beaver of Diligence

• Someone from her tribe has been lost to darkness and is in the ranks of Org-Infinitus.

• She's learned it's her oldest friend, Naaiya and she has mixed feelings about that.

• An avid healer, she's usually the go-to person outside of battle to heal the others.

• She has an old pipe handed down from her elders.

• Smokes quite a lot through this pipe. #Always Stressed



Because fuck

She has a lot of history



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