


3 years, 7 months ago


Phoebe Zogby
The Auriferous Alchemist
Kokiro Town
(Kiki's Delivery Service)
Witch's Broom
Crew Member


Considerate • Curious • Energetic • Optimistic

Gullible • Impulsive • Imposing • Indescisive

A bright and bubbly witch! She's curious to this new life surrounding her reformation as a nobody, doesn't quite understand the huge fight between light and dark, easily walking the line of in between herself. Faint memories of coffee and trying her best are the only things she remembers from her past life, so Hope strives to continue that lifestyle into this one. It makes her want to be helpful where she can be, almost going to the extremes before things figuratively (and sometimes literally) blow up in her face. When surrounded by someone more confident, Hope usually follows them to a tee, figuring they know this world better than she does, until she finds something about it that strikes a chord within herself at which she goes her own route to finish it.

More words


  • Coffee
  • Cats
  • Flying
  • Hipster clothing
  • Earthy colors
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba


  • Tea
  • tba
  • Btba
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
"write a quote here...."

Elemental Usage Gold

A form of Chrysopeia, or the ability to turn matter into gold, is the basic summary of Hopexbe's element. She is unable to create gold out of the air herself and as a witch, she follows the laws of equal exchange and transference of energy. This means she needs to have matter to make matter--though the only matter that matters here is gold! Once created, she's able to wield it with ease and having it under her full control unless:

  • It transforms back into it's regular form be it her will meaning she cannot manipulate it anymore, or--
  • It's things already under the use of other manipulators (meaning weapons, actively controlled matter like steel/ice/glass, etc...)

When she creates gold, she tends to form it into golden dust powder to keep in little bags and bottles on her person for later use (and to save time into having to find more items to transfigure into gold in quick-scenarios like a battle). Mostly as a clouded glitter bomb for easy evasion, or manipulating it through the air to spell words and pictures for what she wants to say to get her meaning across. She does have the ability to effect water into gold as well, but it takes a bit longer time to do so as the energy is constantly running and isn't fixed like a solid. But once it's gold, it's liquid gold, she cannot turn into solid gold quite yet.

Another use for her gold, more conventional and attack ready, is coating her broom with the gold she's accumulated, gold-plating it solid for her to swing and punch like a giant gold bat. She can also coat her hands in this gold as well to defend herself or add more wallop to her punches, but as the saying goes: Never send the mage to the front lines.

Weaknesses & Conditions:

  • Organic items: She's unable to have any effect on any living organism, be it trees, plants, creatures or people. They have their own laws of energy and she's unable to turn them into gold. However with trees and plants, they have to be dead and have no signs of life to them.
    Lower level heartless like shadows are an exception to this rule.
  • Time Limitation: Regarding heartless, as stated above, when she turns them to gold she has at least 2 minutes to break them down before they slowly turn back into their normal form.
  • Limited Effect: The smaller an item is, the easier it is for her to transmute into gold. She can do larger scaled items, but nothing as bigger than a large pickup truck and even that would take time to transfer all of the space and matter completely.
  • Her Punches: They leave little to be desired which is why she coats them in gold, but it's always a last ditch effort. She resorts to using her broom being gold-plated or gold-dust clouds if she can help it.


Bastet - Black Cat

  • No witch would be without their trusted cat companion and Bastet is that for Hope. He seemingly shares a mindlink with her sometimes acting as her voice when needed be. [To be Unlocked]


  • Rogues Badge
  • Witch's hat
  • Witch's Broom
  • tba
  • tba


Inside Voice Claim

• Her Lessers are The Familiars

• Entirely mute, she has no voice

• Can fly on her broom. Witch logic

• Dabbles in potion making along with crystal witchy stuff.

• Used to belong to a coven, still actively seeking a new one.

• Her birthdate is April 1st

• Her hair does the signature Ghibli Poof TM

• Preferably wears cottage core witch fashion as opposed to the standard black/purple dress (she's thankful to not wear it anymore).








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