James Hurst



3 years, 7 months ago


(authors note i lost a lot of the writing for this guy cuz my school acc was disabled when i graduated, oof) James is a somewhat shy freshman in college that’s not sure about his major yet but is probably going to go into Photography. However, he’s on the fence about it because he believes it's not going to be a stable career, and he doesn’t feel like his photography work is that good anyway. He wants to figure out what to do with his life, but not in a “I know there’s a greater purpose/destiny out there for me!” sort of way--more like, he’s just tired of going through the motions while everyone else seems to have their futures planned out already.
As for personality/feelings-- to other people he can come off really shy and disclosed, but he is honestly more extroverted than he seems. Has a general affinity for most things but photography is the only hobby that's even come close to being something he is truly passionate about. He cares about other people despite no one knowing him very well- but isn’t great at being empathetic. (As in, he wants people to be happy in general, but if someone tells him they’re dealing with ___ he’s not going to understand what they’re going through very well or sympathize with them in that regard specifically.)
- Spends most of his time outdoors when it's nighttime/sunset because that’s his favorite lighting for photos.
- Usually spends his time in the dark room when he’s not in class. (That’s why no one really knows him well).
- He’s really interested in the way camera film works and likes to learn about the science behind his hobby.
- Doesn’t visit home much because he’s not really fond of his parents.
- His old roommate moved to another dorm to be with some friends, so now he’s pretty much by himself- likes the extra space though. - Has a pet hedgehog named Ben that he sneaks to school sometimes in his bag.
- Needed to get a part time campus job in order to keep a scholarship, so he works at the school cafe on weekday afternoons (with the exception of fridays).
- The only person somewhat close with him enough to be considered a friend is one of his coworkers at the cafe, Lucas. They don’t really talk or see each other outside of work though.

(These are just answering some of the sample questions from class)
- Has a pretty reserved, polite laugh.
- TBD- probably wears comfy clothes or dark t-shirts and jeans.
- Quick but thoughtful movements while he’s in the dark room because he wants to respect the equipment---relaxed movements otherwise.
- Uses a lot of generic hand gestures while he talks because they help him articulate his thoughts/convey them better.
- Usually carries around his backpack- or on days he has less classes he’ll just bring his laptop bag to campus instead.
- Doesn’t have much of an appetite- skips meals sometimes. He eats a lot of bland foods like saltines and such.
- Quiet, reserved tone of voice that matches his laugh.
- There’s a slightly rough texture to his skin, he has a lot of strange birthmarks on his right arm.
- Hair (and body in general) smells like coconut because of the kind of shampoo/wash he uses."
he finds this thing in the background of one of his photos that he can't explain and then it gets all paranormal and spooooky