


3 years, 7 months ago


Genderjust some guy (he/him)
Agelate 20s - early 30s
Human Height5'11"
Sludge Heightvariable (generally Tall)
--- ---
just a completely normal guy who is also a sludge monster
  • generally quiet and irritable
  • deadpan sense of humor; sometimes it's hard to tell if he's joking or not
  • holds grudges and Will get revenge
  • can be very petty
  • imagine a boring regular guy but with a menacing and hateful aura
  • knows he's intimidating, tends to threaten people
  • self-described "hateful loner"
  • very difficult to fluster him, not very emotive
  • doesn't follow directions if he doesn't like them
  • will do stupid things on a dare
  • surprisingly responsible (about health, the environment, etc)
  • has the ability to turn into a horrible sludge monster (fully or partially)
    • sludge appearance can vary greatly (including body type / proportions)
    • the more condensed / solid the sludge is, the darker it is
    • the sludge is not sticky or slimy, even in more fluid states
    • he IS the sludge monster. no different personality or consciousness
    • has good control over The Sludge but still occasionally loses that  control, involuntarily transforming parts of himself into sludge
      • mostly only in very high-stress situations, or if he's unconscious
  • owns a canvas shopping bag with a big smiley face on it
  • knows a lot of practical things and will share (with varying levels of irritation)
  • has killed people before. continues to kill people now. sometimes eats them (in sludge form)

(he wasn't originally supposed to have Lore so this is very sparse and vague lol)

Fletcher worked at some science lab as either an IT or maybe repair guy (haven't decided yet). He really hated this one higher up dude, and overheard the guy talking about a Mysterious Substance that had unknown potential. One of the ways Fletcher decided to get back at him was to eat The Sludge, so he did.

Right as he did this, though, Theo walked into the room and saw. Before Fletcher could do anything about this, he passed out from the sludge involuntarily transforming his insides. Uh oh!

Luckily Theo was more interested in studying Fletcher than in turning him in. Now the two of them, plus Theo's roommate and co-scientist Mavis, sort of work together for Science!


here's some more solid info that i've since come up with:

The Sludge was created by Theo to be something that could consume any and all trash. yknow, for the health of the environment. Things go very wrong one day and the sludge is subsequently destroyed, though a single container remained in Theo's office (which Fletcher mistakes to be someone else's office and sneaks into for petty reasons, see above)


  • a freaky little scientist who is annoying as hell but also unfortunately endearing
  • the two of them butt heads a lot and get on the other's nerves but eventually they form a sort of.. friendship??? in which they help each other out
  • they also have a relationship later on but it goes pretty much exactly the same as before except Theo throws in some pet names every once in a while lol
  • a very pushy scientist who is annoying as hell but also unfortunately endearing
  • she's more initially sociable than Theo and the two get to actually know each other and become friends, as much as Fletcher is loathe to admit it
  • they also have a relationship later on
  • nothing yet :(