
3 years, 7 months ago


Poe Wandara

Age: ???????

Element: Ghostly

Role: Drainer

Rank: D

Skill: ????????

(Skill Description)


?????????? (Element: ???????)


?????????? (Element: ???????)


?????????? (Element: ????????)


????????? (Element: ?????????)



Power: ??

Magic: ??

Defense: ??

Magic Defense: ??

Health: ??

Speed: ???

A ghostly Channeler who ominously roams the halls of Luneste Academy. Late at night, when no one is around, Poe suddenly appears, wandering the school halls in search of someone. While no one knows truly who Poe is looking for, many students claim he's directly tied to Hanako Jr., another ghostly Channeler who roams the Luneste Academy halls late at night. Anyone who isn't Hanako Jr. though, will be chased down by the ghostly child, as he pelts them with wisp-like Spirits, forcing them to go away immediately!! While the idea of being chased by a ghost is certainly frightening, Poe's ghosts aren't exactly painful to the you shouldn't worry if he tries to run you out of the school!! ....What you should worry about is his ability to possess anything he pleases, allowing Poe to take control of objects, Spirits and even other Channelers....forcing them to do unspeakable things...such as scaring other Channelers and being a big meanie to Channelers he doesn't like!! ...Wait...what? That's it? He really is a little brat, isn't he? In battle, Poe uses his poltergeist powers to fling random objects at his enemies, while also using his possession ability to force his enemies to fight themselves!!