Patch | 紀越 (Husband)



HEIGHT 5'9" | 175 cm
AGE 21
HEIGHT 6'2" | 187 cm
SPECIES Theiltes
AGE 23

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Love at first sight
Slow burn
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience
How they met

Patch and Guk had an arranged marriage. Neither of them knew the other until the day before the event. It was very political in nature, done only so Karimlan could put a leash on Guk while testing his loyalty to the organization. Patch had a unique position at the time as a sworn brother to one of the Archons and was thusly chosen. As Karimlan's self-proclaimed best Collector, it was up to Patch to unravel the mystery that was his new husband and determine if he was a viable candidate to inherit Karimlan. Aside from the sarcastic teasing Patch had to suffer from Guk, their relationship was rather professional at first. As they started to get deeper into an investigation assigned to them and realize the people involved were somehow connected to each of their pasts, their dynamics slowly started to change. However, neither of them put much importance to this, so it would still be a while before they came to terms with any blooming feelings and by that time it was too late to turn back.

Their Relationship

They work surprisingly well during Patch's missions whenever Guk decides to tag along. Professionally, Patch considers him an invaluable asset who provides great insight and perspective. As husbands, they aren't overly sweet nor particularly affectionate to each other; however, they do have their moments where they just stuff other people with dogfood. They have a clear understanding of each other's feelings and for them that is more than enough.

How Patch Feels

Patch sometimes has the urge to strangle his husband, but that's common with anyone and everyone who interacts with Guk. Though highly suspicious of him at first, Patch has now come to terms with Guk's rather extreme sense of privacy and knows that communicating more than their feelings is something they both have to work on. He gets very embarrassed whenever Guk shows affection and it shows by Patch acting grumpy—not in a tsundere-like kind of way however. Much. Guk often catches him off guard with his ways of showing affection and that's why Patch gets annoyed with himself. Deep down, he really likes it when Guk does that, but he's too reluctant to say it out loud, knowing his husband would be gloating like crazy. Despite that, he feels as if Guk knows exactly what he doesn't say so Patch often simply relents and leaves it at that.

How Guk Feels

Guk has a possessive streak in him, though he tells himself he's doing the best he can to tamp it down. It's something deeply wired in his nature and upbringing though, with Patch the first and only ever person he can truly call his own so he feels this quite strongly. And while he's not unsatisfied with their relationship right now, Guk also isn't opposed to being more affectionate towards his husband. He just feels like Patch isn't used to it much so Guk is trying to pace himself for Patch's sake. Patience has always been one of his virtues and he's more than willing to wait for Patch to catch up. All in all, he's rather very indulgent of his husband. If he had his way, Patch would've been spoiled rotten by now.


  • Guk was the one who fell in love first.
  • They mistook each other's species during the earlier part of their marriage.
  • Patch was initially highly suspicious of Guk—rightfully so, even if he didn't quite understand why at first.
  • They first met on the day of their marriage itself, arranged by Karimlan's upper echelon. Patch described it as cold and business-like.
  • Though Guk likes to give inappropriate nicknames at inappropriate times, Yue'er is definitely the one petname he has for Patch that is spoken in affection.
  • 1=Guk, 0=Patch. Though Patch is a switch, Guk isn't.