🏜Hollis🏜's Comments



I'll consider it! I'll be leaving them open for a while to see if anyone else offers, but yeah! :^D

Ok!! :^]


Actually, it's been around 24 hours, so I'll accept this! :'^0 Please send the funds to https://paypal.me/Coturnix and I'll send them over to you! Thank you for the support on the first one of these fellows!

Hey sorry I haven't really been active in here :'^0 but it says the link doesn't work? Would you like my email for an invoice?


Hey, it's no problem at all! And.. That's so weird, how about this? https://paypal.me/coturnix?locale.x=en_US If that doesn't work, then just PM me your email! Sorry about the hassle, haha

1 Replies