


7 years, 3 months ago


My Fursona

❤︎ All aspects of Synge are me. She is me, all of her features, personalities, and interests are mine. ❤︎

Synge has been with me since November 2009. She has evolved so much, changed names, personalities, designs... All along with me. She will never be sold or traded.

Name: Synge
Nickname: Syn
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Sexuality: Bisexual, extreme male leaning

Anthro height: 5'2"

Anthro weight: 112 lbs

Anthro body type: Hourglass figure, muscular and athletic build.

Clothing style: Generally wears skinny jeans, gym shorts, or sweatpants. Always wears a tanktop, rarely a t-shirt. Loves tight-fit sweatshirts. Doesn't like loose clothing.


Body type: 
Feral height + body style: 1' 11" at shoulder, is smaller in size - more like a husky - wolfish figure, tail is more curly than wolf-like.

Synge is typically very introverted around strangers, even acquainances. Anyone who is unfamiliar socially,  really. She has a hard time getting along well with anyone but friends, close friends, and her boyfriend. When she is with friends however, she can get outgoing. She can get drained very easily, though, and tends to shut down or become quiet when that happens. Even around friends, she tends to be very submissive, and won't take control over them and tends to just be a follower and do whatever they would like to do. She would much rather just sit in the back and observe situations. The only one she is truly comfortable with is her boyfriend, Smugg, and she will be 100% open around him and only him.

Loves: Music, gaming, drawing, cars, driving, her boyfriend, cats(her own cats), imagining to music, forests, mountains

Likes: Outdoors, rivers/lakes/ocean, taking walks, sunsets, singing

Dislikes: Storms(lightning), confrontation, windy days, extreme heat, yelling

Favorite Music 

Genres: DnB, Indie, Rock/Alternative, (some)Pop

Mistabishi - From Memory(Matrix Remix)

 Message To Bears - Mountains

Olivver The Kid - BBBlue

Glades - Her(Loving You)

Michl - Kill Our Way To Heaven