


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Needle, Queen Needle, Lady Needle


Serene, Decisive, Persuasive


Shapeshifting, cloaking/invisibility


Royalty; religious figure



- Like all denizens, she has two forms: humanoid and bestial. Most denizens prefer to be in their bestial form, but Needle rarely takes hers. It takes effort to keep a humanoid form, so she essentially is flexing before her followers for their admiration.

-Denizens' true forms have velvety flesh that hangs in many layers of thick hide. The deep folds of their neck and tail can expand in a threat display. They are fearsome fighters known for their flexible spines and powerful, crushing jaws.

-Also a racial talent, Needle is able to use shadows to be practically invisible. It is less true invisibility and more cloaking of senses. Some creatures/technology can negate the power. A strong light source ruins the illusion as well.


-Needle was born in one of the largest denizen settlements in the galaxy.

-A prophetic alien arrived while she was still a young child, seeking out the "girl who will shake the foundation of the universe."

-The leaders of the colony accepted the alien's proclamation eagerly and the city hailed the young denizen as the "hope of the future."

-As she grew older, Needle clearly heard a voice which was identified as the banished goddess, Caligna. It whispered to Needle, telling her the words to say to convince her people to pool their resources into a uptopian space station, a home for every denizen in the galaxy.

-Prelude, the denizens' utopia, came together quickly. Needle's influence grew exponentially as life improved for the colonists until even the old leaders came to call her their queen.

-She refers to all denizens as family and currently dispatches fleets of denizens to recruit every other denizen settlement that they can find.



He used to be a valuable confidant, someone willing to speak to her candidly despite her near divine status to the rest of Prelude. However, his loyalty was called into question. Needle still is fond of him, but she puts him to use outside of Prelude as punishment for endangering their uptopia.