

She was assigned to Communications as a vindictive joke from a disgruntled higher-up when she first emerged "wrong", but somehow ended up being good at tower weaponry and in the right place during an emergency, got reassigned, and gradually moved up through the ranks.
giphy.gif At this current point in her story she is rather stoic and focused, runs or at least helps run a weapons/defense tower on a Homeworld-controlled planet/spaceship/station(I haven't really decided yet) and is somewhat of a master at working those holographic buttons and knobs that control the weaponry there. She can also make varying high-pitched chirps detectable by various automated instrumentation for the sake of instructing her machines. She communicates with holograms, whether screens that show text or holographic hands that point and gesture (she does not know American Sign Language or any human variant, mainly because she has not interacted much, if at all, with Earth humans, but if someone wants to draw her using it as an "earthling" that is certainly ok and reasonable! Just make sure I know what she's saying since I'm not fluent in sign).

She tries not to show emotion much, but in her early days she would chirp and beep much like R2-D2 from Star Wars, excited over everything she saw since emerging, but she has matured since and has become rather more formidable. She runs a tight ship and is aware always that any slip up might be reported to those who can do her harm. If she's comfortable with you she might let the facade slip a bit, but for the most part she's who she's learned to be. In a way her knowledge of the Tower systems commands a certain amount of respect from even higher gems, but ultimately she is just a Peridot who is fortunate enough not to have a mouth to keep shut. Outsiders tend to underestimate her and she lets them, though this may affect her deep down at some level even if she tries not to show anything other than perhaps a minor irritation.

She is somewhat of a master of using her environment for combat, knowing what high-frequency chirps affect what parts of the wall panels and equipment to respond to her cues. After a serious breach from some sort of insectoid organic, security has been heightened to ensure that such an invasion does not happen again. While she does not go looking for fights, as she is needed to manage the Tower and knows best how to keep it functioning (and setting up a new Peridot for the same level of skill would require more resources than Homeworld has right now), she is methodical and determined when it comes to fights. When she has off time she spars with some of the other gems working in the Tower, even though outsiders may find it confusing that she has such an interest in fighting despite being a tech-oriented Peridot.

As for her gem-specific weapon, I honestly have no idea, but I may come up with one sometime. She mostly just uses the tools that are available, like Gem Destabilizers and things like that, or the high-powered armaments of her assigned positon when needing to take out a bigger target. It is possible that she cannot summon her own weapon like canon Peridot, though I haven't decided for sure if she is an Era 2 Peridot as she is a bit taller than canon Peri.

I refer to her as Tower Peridot, but I used to call her Comms Peri since that was my original intention for her, to be assigned to Communications as a joke and eventually deemed useless along with what would follow (escape or shattering).

Info from Charahub
Name: Peridot (need to add cut and facet info)
Nickname: "Comms Peridot", Peri, Tower Peridot
Occupation: She was assigned to communications as a joke, but now works a defense tower on the battle station she resides in.
Species: Gem (Olivine)
Gender: Agender (she/her pronouns)
Fandom: Steven Universe

Animated gif (top right) is from the game Portal 2 by Valve