Pluto's Comments

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Pluto doesn't often do things for fun, as his life is full of working- he thinks the only thing that is really important is getting his job done. He doesn't like sweets, or public places... I'd say the only thing he really enjoys is taking walks with patients and baking cookies. He doesn't even like cookies, but he likes baking them. Pluto doesn't really have any close friends- he has a bit of a fear of getting close to people. Jecal and him get along surprisingly well, though.

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I sadly don't have the art skills to redesign him, or I might add some more color-

He's probably a cat person! He would enjoy hanging out with a more chill animal.

Pluto looks really cool! Love the name (I'm a sucker for mythological references in names.) Their color palette is super nice as it doesn't clash, though in future art it think they could use a varied sort of palette to add to it and catch the eye. 

The bio is super intriguing. I'm all ear if you're willing to tell me about them! 👂

ahh, thank you! I don't know if I can write out the whole backstory spiel, but I'll try to explain about him-

small TW for a few heavy topics, I guess?

Pluto is a very grumpy boy with a temper, but he also has a very caring side when he's working with patients. Although the sugary sweet, caring personality is not natural for him, he wants to do his best to help others. This is because a while ago, he lost a former friend after bullying for years. Pluto was shocked and horrified, and his friend left him with parting words of how horrible and hateful Pluto is. Pluto blamed himself for this and chose to work in the hospital as a nursing assistant because it was the place where his former friend passed away after being found drowning in a nearby river. Pluto believes that his life is something that should be used as a sort of puppet to help others, and that is his only purpose. He wants to somewhat redeem himself for his mistakes, and, in his own words, he says 'I snuffed out a boy's life, so for the rest of my existence I will tend to the fading fires so that they may leave the world without hatred and regret'  He's very good at his job, and usually cares for patients that are serious cases. When Pluto isn't working, his grumpy and rather violent personality can slip out. He's rather afraid of getting attached to people because he doesn't want to hurt them. He's content just doing his job, hoping that one day his friend might forgive him

I write about him quite a lot, but I haven't posted it here because I'm afraid heavy topics might bother people, and my writing made my friend cry so I don't want anyone to feel sad because of it- He's a character I love dearly, because I'm interested in the topic of 'can people really change?' can people who were once evil and violent find it in their hearts to change? Will they be redeemed, or will it haunt them forever? Haha, I'm rambling now- Anyway, thanks for taking interest in him!

While I do agree that the color palette could be a bit more varied, you mentioned he has a job right? Maybe he has a uniform at work and it's something not on his usual palette to break it up a bit?

Ooooh! I like the colorsd (Cool hues are my jam) and his aesthetic clothingwise, but, adding in the profile he's giving me Greek/Rom,an god reference vibes. It's a very good regference if that's the goal -- Pluto/Plouton was the serious one, but very fair and he did care -- he pretty much isn't known to be as terrible as Zeus or Poseidon. I really like the vibe with this guy, excellent work.

One thing you might consider in ther future is if hge has a little more color variation. Different hues, saturations, and shades can add variety to a simple paLETTE, AND DRAW THE EYE. sEEDS FOR THOUGHT, iLIKE HIM, THOUGH!