Blankspace's Comments

Aaa, this guy is super cool! Super sweet concept <3

aw man thank you sm!!

may i hold his hand lovingly

if u can somehow tell whose hand it is ur holding, of course u may <3

love is winning today ty <3

Guh I feel bad asking but if you ever took offers for him what would you be looking for on them?

DONT WORRY no harm in asking! hrrm i cant see myself wanting to part with him in the future (my few-and-far-between Storyguys tend not to leave my clutches) but if I ever did it'd probably be for a) a buttload of cash or b) a design I just couldn't refuse!

Well my toyhouse is for offers or if you had a price in mind I can def offer, I just don’t wanna lowball is all!! Or if you ever take customs lemme know too

i'm def not looking to part with him rn unfortunately oTL i'll let you know if i someday change my mind!

Of course! would you ever do customs or commissions in the future by chance?

omg yeah! i Do comms and customs i am just. often closed (like right now... halloween season got me in shambles) but i try to squeeze people in on an ask basis!

what this is so cool surli

WEHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! he is my weird little freak <3

I absolutely adore this concept 

AHHH thank you so much!! ;w; <3