|[ Pigeon ]|



3 years, 5 months ago


28146654_RAaGS4JWZSlri8u.pngName: Pigeon
Sex: Female [He/She/They]
Nicknames: Scaredy-cat, Littlefoot
Age range: Adolescent-Young Adult
Status: Healthy
Title: Fledgling
Skills: Everodd, Painted Soul

Coat Colour: Void
Markings: Frosted, Socks
Body Type: Winged
Horn Type: Classic
Tail Type: Royal
Scale Type: Broken
Scale Location: Smooth

Pigeon absolutely HATES public situations, very much the introvert they appear to be. They are in a near constant nervous state, and its not helped by their companion- Val. Finding a strange crow unconcious on a forest walk, he took it under his wing; which may have been a mistake. Ever since then his life has been total chaos, having to prevent the creature [which he now suspects to not even be a crow] from eating small animals, items and even citizens [babies not excluded]. 

Its speech is limited, but from what Pigeon can make out Val is searching for a body that was originally his- this form is but a vessel made from his familiar.