


3 years, 7 months ago



"Tonight is the night I take charge of my own destiny."
Name Aurum
Name Pronunciation --
Species Skywing
Age 12 (Born 5000AS)
Gender Demigirl
Pronouns She/Her or They/Them
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation Leader of the Flames of Equity
Residence Hidden base in the rainforest
Status Alive
Design Notes
  • Aurum's cheek horns are longer than a typical skywing.
  • The scar closest to her mouth extends farther up her face.
  • Horn rings are optional, scars are not.
  • Top and bottom of wings are different gradients.
  • Front legs have socks, back legs have a smooth gradient.

In her youth, Aurum was a spirited, cheery skywing with a heart for adventure.  She easily made friends with the other dragonets in the hatchery, welcoming friendships with open talons.  It was her sister's jealousy and abuse that caused her to become more sheltered as she aged.  Her mother was quick to notice Petrel's treatment of her sister and thus began to take Aurum on diplomatic missions and meetings with the skywing royalty.  It was meeting Monarch that caused Aurum's true colors to shine through and she regained her usual happiness.  The two quickly fell in love, but their time together was short lived.  The meetings her mother took her to revealed the true tyranny of Queen Scarlet and the fierceness of the skywing army.  They caused a change of heart in the young dragon and she became passionate about equality among all the tribes.  That passion only grew as she aged into a burning flame that she aptly named her faction after.

  • Aurum is the only member of her family not named after a species of bird.
  • She was originally set to become a general in the skywing army under her sister.
  • Petrel was the one to cause the scars on her face.
  • Her original idea had her being evil rather than benevolent.
  • Aurum wishes to become an author once she achieves her goals with the Flames.
Gold Horn Rings
A gift from her parents.  Aurum is rarely seen without them, as they are the last part of her family she has left while on the run.
Osprey Wax Seal
An item that was her father's, Aurum now uses the seal on scrolls when sending communications between allies.  The osprey has become an unofficial symbol of the Flames.


Aurum was born in the skywing palace to the high ranking couple of lady Rosella and lord Osprey.  As a dragonet, Aurum was constantly picked on by her older sister, Petrel.  The older skywing had the firescales mutation, which she used to her advantage at controlling Aurum against her will.  Despite constant pleading with her mother, Aurum was forced to try and make peace with her sister for the better of their family.  It was Petrel who caused the scars on her left cheek.  Her father, lord Osprey, was often sent to fight in the War of the Sandwing Succession, so he was rarely present throughout most of her childhood.  Due to the constant torment of her sister and her mother's lack of intervention, Aurum was a rather reclusive dragonet, often hiding rather than socializing with the other skywing dragonets.

As she aged, Aurum often accompanied her mother on diplomatic missions to the sand and mud kingdoms, learning the ways of war.  Her attention was often on the soldiers that she either saw amidst the aftermath of a battle or training in her own kingdom.  In various meetings with the queen and council, she met Monarch, one of Scarlet's nieces.  The two became exceptionally close through their dislike of "old dragons talking about old dragon things."  Aurum is the only one Monarch has revealed her animus enchantment to.  When she reached the appropriate age, Aurum enlisted as a skywing soldier with her sister under queen Scarlet.  Only when she associated with Scarlet more regularly and started attending arena fights did she realize just how atrocious Scarlet's actions were. 

Queen Scarlet's treatment of Kestrel and her offspring was what led Aurum to eventually flee the sky kingdom.  She spent months planning her escape, fleeing under the darkness of three new moons.  Petrel saw Aurum fleeing as treason to the highest degree, vowing to kill her sister should she ever return to the sky kingdom and convincing a majority of the soldiers to side with her.  She left a letter for Monarch prior to fleeing, but never knew if she ever received it.  Petrel ended up destroying the letter, which is how she learned of Aurum's plan.  Aurum first fled to the rainforest kingdom where she met Oleander, a spirited rainwing singer.  It was there the two learned of their similarities and formed the Flames of Equity, a faction that aims at uniting all the tribes in equality.  Leading the Flames with pride, Aurum does what she can to convince other dragons to join her and cease the "useless fighting" as she calls the war.


Despite being her sister, Aurum has a severe hatred for Petrel. The older skywing constantly picked on Aurum in her youth and advocated for violence she was very much against. The two want each other dead as much as the other.


Oleander was the first rainwing Aurum had ever met. Even though he shot her with a sleeping dart when they first met, Aurum quickly took to Oleander like a brother. The two are virtually inseparable.


Aurum found Apis when he fled to Pyrrhia long before the other refugees did. She helped nurse him back to health after getting caught in a storm over the ocean and welcomed him into the Flames with open arms.

Last Updated 12/12/21 | Code by Cheeriko | Layout by Yua